Best Manager in Europe for me.
I am really amazed at the slack journalism that constantly praises Moyes. It seems that all articles have to include the following:Agree. If he'd have said that what came before Moyes was unpredictability: highs and lows in equal measure; and that has to be compared to the solid certainty we've had since Moyes took over, then that would have been fair comment...and a fair question to ask the readers by way of a preference.
TBH, I'm amazed he even went as far as he did. It either means he's been tipped off something is afoot or, more likely, he feels the need to show how *in touch* he is with the mood on the street.
bit early to be on the chuff in it ladBest Manager in Europe for me.
This is why the club desperately needs to part company with Moyes, IMO
Every mistake he makes is glossed over and EFC is expected to smile benignly and accept it because we "are lucky" to have him.
Everton made his isn't the other way round.
It is like being married to a woman who treats you with indifference and remains aloof from you but you are afraid to leave her because your self esteem is so low you feel you will be all alone and unloved if you do so.
Moyes has very successfuly manouevered himself into a position where he is seen as succeeding against all odds.
In the process he has lowered our self esteem, lowered our expectations (whilst all the time claiming his job is made harder because he has "raised" expectations) and is now over shadowing our football club.
For Moyes, mediocrity rules and it comes with a nice £3 million a year pay cheque.
And he needs to be stopped.
It's a wonder he never blathered on about the "knife to a gunfight" mallarkey.
I don't think we will be bearen heavily.....I can see it being the usual at OT, hang on for about an hour then concede. Try to rally and concede another.
It would be best if United score after about a half hour so we have a longer time to change the game.
Watching the press conference ahead of the United match, Moyes goes on about going there to win - using the senior players to win - but through the entire thing he just looks miserable, honestly doesnt look like he is enthusiastic whatsoever.
Fully expecting to go there and lose 4-0 and do United a favour.