Basically what I think a lot of people want is the following: immigration levels reduced, and for immigration to be mainly skilled workers, who speak English, have no criminal record and cannot claim certain benefits until they have payed into the system for a number of years. It wouldn't have to be a carbon copy of Australia's points based system, however it's an easy reference which most people understand.
I've read the report. Migration Watch say that "The current scale of migration to the UK is 330,000 a year and is completely unsustainable." I can't find if they have given their concrete policy proposals to reduce immigration to the UK (better than the points based system could) however, I have found this:
What Can Be Done?
1. The long term objective must be to stabilise the population growth of the UK.
2. This can only be achieved by reducing net migration to between 50 and 70,000 a year, the level of the 1980s and 1990s.
3. In 2014 there were an estimated 641,000 immigrants to the UK and 323,000 emigrants giving a figure for net migration of 318,000. Reducing net migration as proposed would still allow for substantial flows each way. It would not prevent the increasing numbers of tourists and business visitors that we all want to see.
4. Some opponents claim that immigration cannot be controlled so it is fruitless to try. This is nonsense. The UK, like every other country, should be able to control immigration. Reflect for a moment on what the level of immigration from much of the developing world would be without a visa system and border controls.
5. What is needed is more effective immigration control and enforcement of immigration law. A target for net migration remains essential for focusing government policy.