well its up to everybody to make there own decision on why they stay or not.
A few of the things i want to leave for are,
i think its lost its way, instead of being a trading block,which i haven't a problem with , it now seems to have multiple aims beyond that.
It seems to me to be more in tune with the wishes of Multi Nationals and the markets, over those of its own peoples best interests,ie the end of collective bargaining for workers as part of the right to join for new members. denationalization of transport ect
The centralization of power away from people, towards Brussels not its member states.
Its a floored model , in that it has a one size fits all outlook,
The Debt built up within its member is a time bomb waiting to go off , despite austerity it hasn't shrunk , Portugal rejected it , look what happened with there election , then ironically they are about the only country to be coming out of recession at the moment.
The treatment of Greece.
The pushing down of wages for the low paid , due to the influx of cheap labour, and no way to control it,
in fact the more successful the UK becomes at present the worse it will get, as the majority of member states are showing little sign of growth,and its aims to enlarge will only mean we will be a target for there workers, due to the disparity in wages its only natural they will try to better themselves, i cant blame them for that, but do i want lower wages for myself and family, no thanks
Its a Market that has stagnated,look at the growth in the USA ,Canada , Australia compared to EU.
Lots of other reasons for me as well, but its basically,
I don't think we get a good deal out of it.
Its future looks bleak,and i don't want to get dragged down with it.
As for voting, its about the most important thing that will be voted on in your or mine life time,
whatever way you feel about it please vote..