Welcome back Wayne
This is an interesting line,
'The EU has or is negotiating free-trade deals with America, China and India, from which a post-Brexit Britain would be excluded. The EU has 53 such deals. Britain would have to try to replicate them, a huge challenge given its lack of trade negotiators and the length of time even simple trade talks take.'
We'd also have to compete against the EU for our new trading partners. Can see that going well.
This was disproven a couple of weeks back. The deals currently in place we signed as a sovereign country, just like all the other countries signed it. It was not signed between the EU and whoever because the EU is not a Sovereign nation as yet. The legal people have already said that the agreements we have signed will remain in plain whether in or out of the EU.
The deals with the USA, China, India have been going on far longer than GOT has existed and are still not in place. The UK on it's own and not part of a 28 group committee (which wasn't even 28 when talks started, so the goalposts always move) would have easily concluded such deals before now.
In respect of EU competition for trading partners, we will still be competing against France and Germany just as we do today..........