And this is one of the bigger remain lies........other countries trade with the EU without opening their Borders.......
If, and it's a big IF, we were to retain access to the single market while also not having to accept free movement, it could possibly take years of negociation to acheive. I'm 99% certain that even if we left, we'd accept free movement, just because it's easier than fighting to get it removed
It might get watered down in some fashion, but it would still be there
If your main reason for wanting to leave is immigration, you're highly unlikely to get what you want even if we do leave
You've a much better chance of getting what you want by Britain instigating reform the EU from within than you ever would by leaving
There is certainly going to be increasing pressure from member states to get reforms for this matter as time goes on. Britain is not alone in having worries and reservations about free movement
I can understand farmers wanting out for the very pragmatic reason that they have to pay ridiculous money to the EU. That definately needs changing, but to leave the EU entirely over it? Not for me thanks
You're all entitled to your views of course, and to vote how you wish, but I think it's plum loco to leave the EU at this current point in time