Cheers. Although I am worried by my post being corrupted by those on the right, anyway here goes.
Comrades, I have to admit that I feel less than enthralled by the EU referendum. I don't have any great love for it, from the light reading that I have done on the subject it would appear that we're fighting someone else's battle again.
I do not accept Dodgy Dave and his cabinet when we are provided with dishonest statistics such as Morgan’s corrupt manipulations of school league table to justify forced academy or Hunt’s crooked misrepresentation of weekend effect in hospitals so that he can attack Junior Doctors. If I reject these twisted figures why swallow hook line and sinker Cameron’s projections on the effects of Brexit.
A dodgy estimate put about is that households will be £4000 worse off if we leave the EU but this is worse type of statistic mixing data usage, the estimate is based on potential drop in GDP currently at £2.1Trillion which is approximately £88,000 per household but we all know that average household income is £25,600(Office of National Statistics) therefore to claim that households will be £4,000 is at best a lie and those on the left should not be seen retelling this mistruth.
We are told that workers have benefited from EU regulation and that we should all praise Brussels but all the EU has done is standardised existing employment Law. After campaigns by women Trade Unionists we had equal pay in 1970 and first maternity leave legislation in 1975 well before EU got involved. But is EU employment legislation worth the paper it is written? Agency workers are supposed to receive the full pay of an employee however EU has allowed a horse and cart through the rules under the Swedish derogation which ensures that agency workers are paid less.
Did EU protect the Blacklisted construction workers, has it defended workers sacked for TU activities Has it protected the forced ‘Self-employed’ from working excessive hours in all these questions the answer is No.
We have had our own program, the re-nationalisation of the Railways Blocked by EU, the aim of bringing back in house privatised sections of the NHS blocked by the EU, support for the steel industry blocked by the EU.
We do not need to be in the jingoistic camp of the Brexiters however we do need a better attitude to Europe than following meekly behind Dodgy Dave.