The Everton Board Thread (Inc. Bill Kenwright / Blue Union)

Is it time for Change...???

  • Kenwright an the Board out, We need Change.

    Votes: 503 80.0%
  • Im Happy with the way thing are. Kenwright an the Board should stay

    Votes: 126 20.0%

  • Total voters
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If David Moyes had any ambition for this club and as a manager then it would be apparent that the current directors cannot match it. Therefore either he has no ambition and would prefer to just sit on that fat contract he has or he has no other offers from anywhere else.

I would do the same in his position, I'm not judging him at all but this reinforces that if we ever are bought out, the manager will go along with the board, he's part of the regime.

“We're not going to become a selling club. I'm not here to do that,"

Lol! I think he needs to have a listen to his chairman then because he's telling everyone who'll listen that we've moved over to a player trading model of operation.

That's fair enough of Moyes to back his board of directors, btw. Now all he has to do is just shut the fcuk up about having no money to spend during the season if/when it goes tits up. Somehow I dont think he will though.

I agree with that...

But everything else...Moyes is the only feller at the club I trust and it just looks like he's come out and said "look, I know the situation, I'm here to win games and compete with what I got. See ya at OPR"

No fan of how we've been run...but moyes just wants to crack on. Game tomorrow, lets watch some Footy.
I agree with that...

But everything else...Moyes is the only feller at the club I trust and it just looks like he's come out and said "look, I know the situation, I'm here to win games and compete with what I got. See ya at OPR"

No fan of how we've been run...but moyes just wants to crack on. Game tomorrow, lets watch some Footy.

I think he's been trundled out (willingly) to shore up his mate Bill. Did he want to have to do that? Probably not. It wont have surprised anyone and it's no big deal really. At least we can count on Moyes not complaining anymore about how other managers have more than him to spend. He's well happy with what he's got and he sees the progress in the club that many others struggle to find. That's good for him going into the new season. He's settled. There'll be no complaints from that quarter now.
But why has he just predicted that we'll struggle to get in the top ten? I can accept trying to 'do as well as we can', clearly he doesn't want to name positions in case we don't get there. But why actually say we're going to have a big struggle to finish in the top ten? That's a bit negative isn't it? You don't see teams come up from the Championship and say, "Crikey, this is a hard league isn't it? We're going to have a big struggle avoiding relegation..." unless they follow that with "...but we'll give it our best shot" i.e. that's their aim, that's what they're trying to achieve. So is the aim for us this season to finish in the top ten?
I think in part Moyes is trying to ensure there's no over-expectation for this season. Set your target low and over-achieve. I can't really believe he thinks a top 10 finish would be acceptable. May also put a bit of pressure on the bank as the higher we finish the more we will make and higher chance of reducing debt burden.

I think in part Moyes is trying to ensure there's no over-expectation for this season. Set your target low and over-achieve. I can't really believe he thinks a top 10 finish would be acceptable. May also put a bit of pressure on the bank as the higher we finish the more we will make and higher chance of reducing debt burden.

Not sure if serious...
I think he's been trundled out (willingly) to shore up his mate Bill. Did he want to have to do that? Probably not. It wont have surprised anyone and it's no big deal really. At least we can count on Moyes not complaining anymore about how other managers have more than him to spend. He's well happy with what he's got and he sees the progress in the club that many others struggle to find. That's good for him going into the new season. He's settled. There'll be no complaints from that quarter now.

Of course he's been brought out like a dancing bear on the hot coals...but that statement just sounded more like a bloke who just wanted to manage a football team. But I agree, he's got no room to moan about other teams finances.

Didnt like how he reiterated his commitment to the team. That has never been in doubt. Unlike a few board members, he loves this club. But while, yes, he should be badgering the club for money and improvements...he knows its futile, he knows Everton finances (he's been here 10 years) - even that remark about the bank that he's "pals" with took me by he knows how Kenwright et all roll.

He just wants to get on and has more control over this club that 90% of the teams in the premiership, which is a good thing to have for a manager. Or he could be like a O'Neil, Hughes etc who jump ship when it gets a bit tough.
But why has he just predicted that we'll struggle to get in the top ten? I can accept trying to 'do as well as we can', clearly he doesn't want to name positions in case we don't get there. But why actually say we're going to have a big struggle to finish in the top ten? That's a bit negative isn't it? You don't see teams come up from the Championship and say, "Crikey, this is a hard league isn't it? We're going to have a big struggle avoiding relegation..." unless they follow that with "...but we'll give it our best shot" i.e. that's their aim, that's what they're trying to achieve. So is the aim for us this season to finish in the top ten?

We cant and wont get into the top 6. It'll be a real result if they got past (probably) Spurs to take 6th. But 7th should equally be nailed on. Struggle to get past the shite in this league below the established top 6 is not acceptable.

He's the third highest paid manager in the Premier League. If he cant secure 7th maybe he should take a pay cut?

Perhaps we should lobby the government to force Barclays to lend us more money under the terms of Project Merlin. We could pass as an SME (when compared to Barca, MU, RM etc... :D )
Villa are a well run club in comparison with us.

*Damon trap set*

Didn't that lot just sell £37million in players, only to spend £9.5million? With 28million to pay off their major creditor?

That barely makes a dint on their debt too!

Yeah right lid.

Don't give up your day job Dave K. At least we are not Villa! FFS.

In Moyes I Trust.

I lack faith in Kenwright's business acumen though. Specifically commercial revenues.
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Moyes may of said it may "be a struggle to get in the top 10" but I can guarantee he doesn't actually think that, he's just playing down expectations and taking pressure off him and the players, i'm pretty sure that our manager and his squad are both determined to be successful this season and prove people wrong and personally, I still blame agent Johnson for any debt this club is in, Kenwright and Moyes have miraculously managed to both reduce debt and increase the quality of our squad and they should be commended for that, if there's nobody making concrete offers and are super-rich then we go with what we've got now. I still think we are making progress and I also am confident we can make a success out of the coming season.
Didn't that lot just sell £37million in players, only to spend £9.5million? With 28million to pay off their major creditor?

That barely makes a dint on their debt too!

Yeah right lid.

Don't give up your day job Dave K. At least we are not Villa! FFS.

monkey-trap2.jpg was taped...

Derek Hatton has asked Everton Football Club to publish his explanation of the circumstances which led to a transcript of a meeting between Club Chairman Bill Kenwright and the "Blue Union" supporters' group being published on a website earlier this week.

Derek was instrumental in arranging a meeting which was held only after both sides had agreed to keep details confidential - an agreement which was broken by the "Blue Union" representatives who secretly taped the proceedings.

Derek Hatton
I met the Blue Union lads through Twitter and was asked by them if I might be able to arrange meetings with Robert Elstone and Bill Kenwright.

I said I’d try but only if they promised they were prepared to treat the meeting with discretion. I was at pains to point out that they’d let me down if any discussions proved not to be civil, constructive and reasonable. I emphasised above all, the lads needed to respect the confidentially of anything said.

Three of the lads met Robert and had positive discussions. They agreed the meeting was useful and had ‘gone really well’.

I then contacted Bill who agreed, subject to the rules I’d set out with the lads, to meet them the day before the Spurs game. Bill contacted me when the Spurs game had been cancelled to offer to rearrange but the lads were keen to press on.

When we arrived at Bill’s offices, he couldn’t have been more hospitable and we spent time looking at the mementos and memorabilia that fill his office. When we sat down, the lads took out notebooks and Bill immediately asked for confidentiality, ‘no notes’ and everyone agreed. Notebooks were put away. It was all clearly private.

After three hours, where many things were discussed and explained with Bill reminding everyone on a regular basis ‘that’s between us’, the meeting ended with reminiscences and football-talk.

The lads all agreed it had been a positive meeting and felt buoyed by what they’d heard. They repeated it had been ‘a great meeting’. I reminded them to respect the confidentiality agreement.

At no stage did I or anyone know the very privileged get together was going to be taped.

As I said on my tweet yesterday, taping any meeting without anyone knowing is disgraceful and underhand. Taping a meeting with the Chairman of your football club is the lowest of the low. I also want nothing more to do with these people.

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