Not a buisnessman, myself. I couldn't tell you. Our sponsership deals are less then most of our rivals, so are our ticket prices and our kits are harder to get a hold of. Maybe those are all sensible decisions given our situation, maybe they're not.
Maybe we're for sale at a resonable price or maybe the three and four people who've said we're asking for more than hundred million are right, again I don't know.
It could be that you're right and they've done the best job they can but the club just isn't attracting the money that goes elsewhere. It doesn't matter. The facts are they've failed to turn the club profitable and also failed to find a buyer or investment. Those were their two main aims, by their own admission, and they've achieved neither.
What I do know is you can't say they've improved the club when we're so skint and losing money. And you can't say that we don't need a takeover, when the board itself has admitted repeatedly that we can't do anything without investment. And don't know how you can say they're competant when their primary task, in their own words, has been to find investment for eleven years and they've compeltely failed to do so.
And I don't see how an Everton fan can be happy with no trophy for 17 years.