Agreed. It's code for 'stfu, we've got Bill and he's as good as it gets for us - we've been left behind forever'.
"We need a billionaire" every time I hear that it reminds of the stinking rotten stagnation that we have become under this ownership.
Time for us to be brave and see what is out there waiting for us rather than polluting the minds of the new generation of fans with every reason to hold onto the rotten ownership we have now.
The billionaire is a bluff to throw supporters off the scent. Its a myth, a dream. Bill wants everton to rise phoenix like from the ashes, because of him.
We don't need a billionaire, we need direction, leadership, honesty, integrity, passion, belief and someone who can see the aspirations and traditions of Everton FC as the same thing.
Kenwright has made sure that supporters see Oz and not whats behind the curtain, he is **** scared of being found out in the press and as long as there is enough tolerance of his nonsense he'll survive.
IIRC it was a line of Jack Nicholson's ' can't handle the truth', and there in a few words is the contempt with which Bill Kenwright holds Evertonians. Proof? He's been avoiding the truth since he first became chairman.
Between the 3 of you, answer me this.
How do we change the direction of the club, increase revenue so much that we can really compete. Its easy to say things, but back up your arguments, I believe we need a billionaire, you don't so be man enough and explain how this is done without serious investment