are there any pro kenwright sites other than the ob, there you go edge,s poll of websites is that 99% of everton fansite are anti kenwright, you can make polls say anything, dont think anybody should take to much notice of them
LCAB's site ?

are there any pro kenwright sites other than the ob, there you go edge,s poll of websites is that 99% of everton fansite are anti kenwright, you can make polls say anything, dont think anybody should take to much notice of them
The only people who took it seriously will be the 2000+ evertonians who completed the survey.
Fair enough
But the fan group they asked isn't a broad collection of the fan base at large is it?
Start you own poll, let us know when you,ve got 2000+ responses from blue noses over a weekend.
If I started my own poll it would be people on here, which isn't a balanced representation of the fan base, hence the response wouldn't be balanced
Now, if you handed out an Url on everyone's seat at the next home game and then 2000 people returned it, there'd be a better chance of it being a mixture of all fan groups and types.
Not saying what those fans think don't matter
What I'm saying is, the survey can't be used as an example of the bigger picture. Only as an example of that group of fans discontent
This poll has demonstrated everything I find funny regarding a certain type of anti Kenwright poster..
I'll go with conspiracy theorist for lack of a better description... and also because its completely accurate.
Open poll, asks fans of clubs across the country, compares results, awards Everton highly... This is good.. therefore its wrong and must of been manipulated by Kenwright.
Can't find anything on twitter so its fake, was published when we were flying high so the results were obscured...
So lets do a completely unbiased replacement one where we ask if Kenwright lies or his biggest let downs.. its childish nonsense.
Strangely the first two... is it for sale, and is the asking price too high contradict each other.
If he's not selling then there is no asking price to be too high in the first place, and if there is, then its for sale. 72% think its not for sale but the sale price is too high, how does that even work?
Season ticket question doesn't even equal 50% response, are they not mandatory questions? what poll has optional questions? They go on to unbiasedly ask what is the boards greatest failing with a multiple choice answer lol
Here's my alternative view...
Well done Everton for winning those awards and featuring so highly in the others you didn't win, its a testament to the good work the staff at the club do, especially during games when for 3 hours over 30,000 people need looking after and its great to see that your doing it better than most of the others in the country, from the programme, to the pies our club is the mutts nuts and this shows it. I'm proud of the way our staff care anyway.
ps the board out, the conspiracists out and the programme sellers out... 6th! poor.
I am not intresting in your whinging - let us know when you have a poll with 2000+ bluenose responses over a weekend.
made me laugh there mate, havnt been on there for a while hope bally is doing okLCAB's site ?![]()
I am not intresting in your whinging - let us know when you have a poll with 2000+ bluenose responses over a weekend.
I wasn't aware that putting forth a cogent argument, laced with respectful reasoning, was "whinging"
Thanks for the heads up!
The fact that Brennan and Dell (Men on different sides of the argument) backed me up, should tell you all you need to know D.
Nothing wrong with being passionate mate. I can see that you are, but I just can't be bothered with the sniping anymore
How about we have respect for each other and debate this in a balanced and fair way?
Have I made a boo boo?