Terry Leahy studied at UMIST(Manchester Business School) under Professor Cary Cooper, and my wife was Prof Coopers secretary at the time. Because of this (very tenuous!) link I wrote to TL a few years ago asking if he had considered investment in Everton or a closer involvement with the club. The response from TLs secretary was that 'Mr Leahy has no intention now or ever investing in any football club'
It has to be remembered that although TL had high profile in his job, he was simply a salaried employee and is not worth anything like the amount required to become financially involved in football. He is, however, (another) close friend/contact of Bills from whom Bill takes 'advice'.
Cary Cooper is an American who has lived in this country for years, and is often on TV when a Psychologists opinion is required on sporting matters. He has been a Manchester City supporter for many years .