Its a difficult one with Kenwright as if you were not a fan and were an outsider looking in you would think he was pretty sound. I mean when you hear him speak about Everton and other such matters, he is very eloquent, passionate and obviously very knowledgeable.
People praise him for being a blue etc etc but that is half the problem for us Everton fans. Because he is a passionate blue (with which i have no doubt) he takes every piece of criticism or critique to heart and that's when the club and boardroom goes into a backs against the walls job. It obviously hurts him to think people criticize the way the club is being run and a bit like a spurned lover he comes out fighting(maybe not the best idea for a chairman of a football club) Kenwright(read as board) needs to man up a little and stop being so churlish when it comes to people having opinions and ideas that are not exactly the same as their own. For an Everton fan trying to look in, the hierachy of the club are very insular.
Transparency is not always the easiest thing to achieve when at the top of a business but especially when it comes to a football club and its fans, its a necessity. I am sure half the things that Kenwright/the board have been criticized and mocked for are not true in the slightest, but if you do not open dialogue with the fans on a continual basis, resentment will rise and even the smallest issue will be made into something major to hang Kenwright with.
You only need to look at the time Alan Myers was at the club. Dialogue between fans and club opened up and i would say the hostility towards the board quietened down considerably, alas though it was only short lived and we reboot back to the norm and now even that situation is another one to pelt Kenwright with purely for the fact the communication is lacking as to the reasons why Myers left.