@Steve Wigan
I've separated your response out for you mate
1) Fabricated incoming investment and scammed a shareholders AGM with a talk from a false prospective investor, Samuelson, later acknowledged as a "means to an end"
A means to an end.....accptable business practice to get rid of a greedy manipulator
No it's completely unacceptable, verging on illegal business practice to intentionally mislead fellow shareholders. Why try to argue differently and how does this lead you to trust Bill ?
2) Clearly lied to all project partners, the media, and fans, that the £30M minimal investment required for the Kings Dock was "ringfenced"
Ringfenced in as much as it was available if the banks agreed to the terms of the deal, which they didn't. Do you really think that Bill had £30 million in his back pocket ready to turn over to Gregg?
So the ringfenced money didn't exist, and would only ever exist on the say so of banks not yet obtained. Blatant bull from the king of crap and this leads you to trust him ?
3) Quite likely encouraged media vilification of Paul Gregg to force him off the board (badly done to first family in The Echo ffs)
'Quite likely'? In other words you made it up. The media didn't need any help in respect of Paul Gregg.
Didn't make up the media campaign, it's timing, nor the inside acknowledgement that our board uses media manipulation (see Ross's emails). If someone is is low enough to do that to friends/colleagues what else are they capable of ?
4) Encouraged media manipulation of the fanbase and vilification of certain fan groups (see Ross's email leaks)
Ross's emails, his sacking immediately after, and being published on various websites without legal action is the evidence. Why try denying that, you've only briefly met Bill at the theatre once ?
5) Skewed a fans vote on moving to Kirkby by utter bull about the stadium being world class and effectively free
When a faction loses a vote, its not uncommon to cry 'foul' I wasn't personally in favour of DK, put at the time it was the only game in town. I think there are more options now, but the usual suspects will agitate against wherever the stadium is.I would like to see GP redeveloped...but its a difficult one
The "vote losers" weren't the ones in writing that the stadium would be world class and effectively free though. Why avoid the point ?
6) Replaces Gregg with the introduction of well known football enthusiast and serial bankrupt, Robert Earl who has offices in the BVI
Currently not a bankrupt, and many of our leading businessmen have been bankrupt at least once. It happens. Whats wrong with having offices in the BVI ?
Just shows the type of businessmen...those that like to avoid declaration of their ownership interests and tax implications. But you find that fine for an EFC co owner ?
7) Allows the club to take loans from Vibrac based in the BVI (owners/directors not disclosable)
Vibrac specialty is loans to football clubs.
Certain types of clubs. Did you notice that Earl is also based in the BVI btw ?
8) Alleges he has no idea on the composition of Other Operating Costs
Neither do any other Chairmen, its in the brief of the CEO. Evertons OOC is more detailed in the accounts than a lot of clubs
The CEO brief is to manage OOC's but chairmen should have a good overview and working knowledge. The answer "I have no idea what OOC's are" is only acceptable in Toytown. What is the detailed split of OOC's in the accounts you're referring to ?
9) Sold Rooney at well below market value at a time he had tolerated the club being riddled with Proactive shareholders (even the Chief Exec)
It was the first time ProActive had showed their hand, but the Rooney deal in the circumstances was not too bad( a few years ago now...). Stretford was the force....ProActive had an office inside St James Park...hence the stalking horse bid for Rooney.
Proactive office in St James....alert........various proactive shareholders including Dunford at Everton......no alert