The Everton Board Thread

Wonder what Dyche thinks of all this? He's at Glastonbury at the minute apparently, probably sat in his tent reading the reports thinking 'Thank God I don't work for, or have any involvement, in that football club, what a shambles... oh wait! FU-'
He was Head of Estates at the club when DBB got the CEO job. That would have been QUITE the promotion.

By all accounts he’s very competent. And if there was going to be an INTERIM appointment, it was always going to be internal. Same as it would be almost anywhere else.
I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if this is a long term appointment. He will stay as CEO

All this time after the 48 hours statement, and this is the best Moshiri can do?!

Get them all out of the club, we’re finished, interim board or not - a massive chance to properly move forward and reset the club, end all the fan protests and align again as one unified club, but Chairman bill clings on and we add lazy internal appointments to critical business roles, and nothing really changes.

If I had anything to do with msp I would run a friggin mile away from Everton.

Get the protests going - target moshiri and kenwright now, it’s beyond parody.
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These are quite literally Moshiri’s own words. Kenwright is still here because Moshiri wants him to be.
He wanted him gone initially as well before the supposed discussions took place, that's what makes me think Kenwright will be gone once the MSP thing happens and sorts itself out in the coming months

All things being well (hopeful?) once the stuff with MSP is finally fleshed out and their own people come in it'll mean t'ra to Kenwright once and for all.

Quite how long away that is now is anyone's guess....

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