That’s fine mate, but a group of lads, picking on one lad for contrary opinion - mocking the lad personally is wrong. It’s not what this is place is about. As you say if those broad strokes deviate from the group think and are able to pick or bully one lad personally that becomes normalised, permissions are created, it becomes less about the issue and more about the individual, I dont like bullying - especially when they hardly light up the forum themselves and don’t have that weight to throw around.
The opinion wasn’t even that unreasonable, take Peter Johnson - he was a stain on the club - but you will get many people saying he built the park end. The poster was making a similar point about DBB - I might not agree - but it doesn't justify being called a bellend and being personally mocked by about 10 on 1, that’s neither unity or debating, or being a blue for my money.