He was terribly naïve in the sense he looked at City and Chelsea an believed the increased investment would accelerate growth and value and bring a return and that slowly tapering off over time - we know what happened. I don't think he has a strategic plan bar whack money at it - its at what level fatigue sets in at now and with MSP we are seeing signs of it. Remember when he and Usminov were trying to take over at Arsenal that they were terribly naïve - at wanting to just throw money at Arsenal if they took over, so that has come to pass here. While the board aren't without responsibility and certainly governance has been awful, i still believe the shareholder has been the key issue, so a board change, while required, i don't think is the seismic piece people believe it will be. The shareholders always make the big decisions.
Fair point - we know why they dont resign, Bill is obsessed to my mind, his function is a lightening rod now, while probably having a few handy contacts, but the game has moved on way beyond his value and competence now at this stage - DBB is jobbing - looking at the accounts and director remuneration both are prob on just less then a million a year in wages - that's also a big incentive - i wouldn't say Moshiri is meddling, its a bad board that doesn't carry out its remit under the wishes of its shareholders, as majority shareholder hes entitled to do what he likes - im not saying thats right or hes doing a good job - just that's the nuts and bolts of it.
I find it very interesting that the emphasis is on the board - not unjustifiably in terms of accountability - but the owner isnt being targeted in the same way - its for the reasons i explain above - we are dependent on him - thus colluding with him.
As i said above mate, we are at a bit of cross roads with MSP - the board to my mind are already gone - they aren't viable - so Moshiri will change it - MSP will bring some of theirs in - but the key thing to my mind is how we will be funded going forward. If the club is loosing £100 mill + a year - who is going to fund those losses if Moshiri is selling £25% of his stake - will MSP be willing to fund part of our losses annually - if not what impact does that have - key questions to my mind.