Just finished
"The North Water". Spectacular novel about a whaling ship. Incredibly violent without being gratuitous. Has hints of Cormac McCarthy and "Endurance" by Shackelton (though on an opposite pole). Good stuff.
Now starting
"My favorite thing is Monsters", which is--so far--amazing. I've never read a graphic novel, but this one is excellent. Caveat: Part of the reason I like it is that it is set in Chicago, and I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and consider Chicago my hometown (my parents were through-and-through Chicagoans, and we pretty much went to the city every weekend, since my mom hated living in the suburbs).
Also making my way through
"The Mixer", which is interesting since I can youtube many of the plays/goals that the book is talking about, given it is a history of the Premier League.