2018/19 Tom Davies

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Considering thats how a lot of footballers are judged and we bought Gana on the recommendation of a Scout using a particular Statistic even though he was being overlooked in a poor side you must be correct Papa ehh.

Bit of a Daft Comment wasnt it.

No it's not at all. I have been over this loads in the past if you really want to know my deep thoughts on it (no idea why you would want to like..)

Football is not, never has, and never will be a statistic based game.

I knew he was a good player, I said it at the time when loads of ours fans were gnashing their teeth over signing him. I knew he was talented because I saw him with my own eyes, I didn't need a spreadsheet to confirm that.

Stats and football is the biggest con going and people eat it up for some reason. The game is too fluid and with too many variables. You can't base stats off things where the subject matter is constantly changing with any degree of accuracy.

Duels won indeed.....
Jack Rodwell midfield aged 20 Everton premier league player and full England international. Now 27 and been released by a league one side.

Davies can get better, but to suggest it’s a given shows a complete lack of understanding not just of football but of people. People can reach their potential very quickly and then stagnate, it happens in all walks of life. I hope Tom kicks on and becomes great, but there’s a chance he’s already peaked, like many before him.

Okay you remain pessimistic...

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement...
Nothing can be done without hope & confidence...

Believe in our young players...
Then they can believe in themselves...
Tom Davies midfield aged 20 Everton premiership player & England U21 international...

If you honestly think this lad will not improve in the next 3-5 years then I am quite frankly flabbergasted....

The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement...
Okay you remain pessimistic...

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement...
Nothing can be done without hope & confidence...

Believe in our young players...
Then they can believe in themselves...

@MarcelsGoat @Bungle

Time to bring out the motivational posters again
Okay you remain pessimistic...

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement...
Nothing can be done without hope & confidence...

Believe in our young players...
Then they can believe in themselves...
If I believe I can fly it won’t me be able to do it. Whether I think a player will make it or not will not affect their ability to do so in the slightest. You’re not the only one who doesn’t get that though, don’t worry.
If I believe I can fly it won’t me be able to do it. Whether I think a player will make it or not will not affect their ability to do so in the slightest. You’re not the only one who doesn’t get that though, don’t worry.

I get it, you don't rate him...
But I disagree...
We both beg to differ...

Let's hope we get a win on Sunday with young Davies slotting the winner...

@MarcelsGoat @Bungle

Time to bring out the motivational posters again

No it's not at all. I have been over this loads in the past if you really want to know my deep thoughts on it (no idea why you would want to like..)

Football is not, never has, and never will be a statistic based game.

I knew he was a good player, I said it at the time when loads of ours fans were gnashing their teeth over signing him. I knew he was talented because I saw him with my own eyes, I didn't need a spreadsheet to confirm that.

Stats and football is the biggest con going and people eat it up for some reason. The game is too fluid and with too many variables. You can't base stats off things where the subject matter is constantly changing with any degree of accuracy.

Duels won indeed.....

Watch a movie called Moneyball its about sports based statistics never disagreed with a post so much in my life but your entitled to your views dude and im glad you have such an eye for talent spotting well done.

Watch a movie called Moneyball its about sports based statistics never disagreed with a post so much in my life but your entitled to your views dude and im glad you have such an eye for talent spotting well done.

Mate I don't live in a bloody cave! I have read the book and watched the film (didn't think the film was that good to be honest.)

I am going to point out an obvious thing here, Moneyball is about baseball. A sport that lends itself more to statistical analysis. Football does not.

Baseball has less variables as players are generally doing the same thing in the same situation over and over again. Football does not have this. It is a fluid game with too many variables.

The whole thing is a massive con. It doesn't bother me if you agree or not to be honest, you aint the first and you wont be the last. You are all being conned and trying to find stuff in the game that is simply not there. The only statistic in football that means anything is the scoreline yet people make careers out of telling people otherwise. It's utter madness. It blows my mind that the likes of Sky use the Football manager game to provide analysis on players for example!

Hmmm maybe I should make a book about it too.... I would certainly have enough to write about.
No it's not at all. I have been over this loads in the past if you really want to know my deep thoughts on it (no idea why you would want to like..)

Football is not, never has, and never will be a statistic based game.

I knew he was a good player, I said it at the time when loads of ours fans were gnashing their teeth over signing him. I knew he was talented because I saw him with my own eyes, I didn't need a spreadsheet to confirm that.

Stats and football is the biggest con going and people eat it up for some reason. The game is too fluid and with too many variables. You can't base stats off things where the subject matter is constantly changing with any degree of accuracy.

Duels won indeed.....


Eyesight test trumps stats every day of the week
Mate I don't live in a bloody cave! I have read the book and watched the film (didn't think the film was that good to be honest.)

I am going to point out an obvious thing here, Moneyball is about baseball. A sport that lends itself more to statistical analysis. Football does not.

Baseball has less variables as players are generally doing the same thing in the same situation over and over again. Football does not have this. It is a fluid game with too many variables.

The whole thing is a massive con. It doesn't bother me if you agree or not to be honest, you are not the first and you wont be the last. You are all being conned and trying to find stuff in the game that is simply not there. The only statistic in football that means anything is the scoreline yet people make careers out of telling people otherwise. It's utter madness. It blows my mind that the likes of Sky use the Football manager game to provide analysis on players for example!

Hmmm maybe I should make a book about it too.... I would certainly have enough to write about.

Eyesight test trumps stats every day of the week

I know its about baseball that is why i clearly stated sports based stats.
Your comment about there being more stats in baseball in general is False there are pages and pages of more in depth stats that can be applied to Football and people have done it its just not that deeply used.
But just one upside is that people or athletes are given more of a chance because they exist and might be found in places no one usually looks.
Especially the little clubs or country's that cant afford to employ a full scouting team.

I mostly agree with you that not all Talent can be measured on a piece of paper of course but to say there are no benefits at all is simply wrong because there clearly is and one could list the benefits for days.
I just make a habit to reply to the more Vociferous Users in this Forum who come in with big grand Replies that have mild keyboard warrior undertones to them its a discussion forum everyone has a specific point of view but some users think they can come in and just be rude straight off that bat rather than put a constructive argument back to the actual post.
I prefer the latter.
Otherwise there have been some cracking discussions on here past few days been enjoying it so far.
I know its about baseball that is why i clearly stated sports based stats.
Your comment about there being more stats in baseball in general is False there are pages and pages of more in depth stats that can be applied to Football and people have done it its just not that deeply used.
But just one upside is that people or athletes are given more of a chance because they exist and might be found in places no one usually looks.
Especially the little clubs or country's that cant afford to employ a full scouting team.

I mostly agree with you that not all Talent can be measured on a piece of paper of course but to say there are no benefits at all is simply wrong because there clearly is and one could list the benefits for days.
I just make a habit to reply to the more Vociferous Users in this Forum who come in with big grand Replies that have mild keyboard warrior undertones to them its a discussion forum everyone has a specific point of view but some users think they can come in and just be rude straight off that bat rather than put a constructive argument back to the actual post.
I prefer the latter.
Otherwise there have been some cracking discussions on here past few days been enjoying it so far.

Wait... are you saying I was being rude to you? When did that happen?

Also i didn't say Baseball has more stats.... I said its a game better suited to statistical analysis.

Your example about countries that cant afford to employ scouting teams is interesting.

Using stats based on players playing abroad is even more useless in my opinion as you would be performing statistical analysis based on the player playing against different players, in different climates, against teams of a different standard. There is no constant there to gain a real insight into anything. What I will say is it can give someone a vague idea of what a player can do, but it's still a very vague one. I suppose I can see why clubs use stats to gain a very very slight insight as every bit extra helps but people are far too keen these days to use these stats as gospel, even to the point where they start making up weird ones like duals won or key passes.

I need to bring this back to Tom Davies at some point don't I?
Haha yes you do we can get back to him at the end of this reply.

And the very fact it even in your opinion a massive sceptic can give someone a vague idea or let them form a reason for further pursuit is still a good use isn't it.
The amount of clubs that use football manager based stats is a great point our own amazing club has ties to it and its an invaluable tool for the lower echelons of the league now do i agree it shouldn't be as prevalent as it is of course not but all of these responses where because of your blanket statement assuming i was some kind of Jonah Hill uber geek haha.
And the rude comment i afford to people who dive on a discussion or in the middle of it and just quite bluntly state a point of view and throw a blanket comment over a lot of people in the debate of being daft with no substance or real argument first put forth for them to look at.
That is my only gripe but we have had a decent discussion since so much appreciated.

Tom Davies his hair do you think he uses L'Oreal or something more plant based shampoo after a hard days running around.:blush:

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