2018/19 Tom Davies

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No, I just don't rate him at all. This isn't like the mad shouts of people not rating Stones and Lukaku, this is people defending the indefensible because he's "young".
I know you don't rate him mate.

Just thought it was quite funny that you must have sought out the thread on page 3/4 of the forum, then go back 20 pages on the thread to find a suitable post to respond to.

I know you don't rate him mate.

Just thought it was quite funny that you must have sought out the thread on page 3/4 of the forum, then go back 20 pages on the thread to find a suitable post to respond to.

Was on the front page today, so not really.
We actually missed him today. I know he can be sloppy but he's the one with the legs and at least tries to drive forward and pass forward in our midfield. Without him we look slow. Sure he has faults and many areas he needs to improve but Gana and Snides is a static and poor midfield in terms of possession.
Should start every game until we sign someone better. Gueye and Schneiderlein simply does not work and is the worst pairing in the league. Two championship players with no discernible skills who both lack the guts to try and do the right things in possession.

Should not start any games because he has managed to be even worse than both of them.

Morgan should have been sold in the summer and replaced. Doesn’t want to be here and isn’t of the quality

Gueye for me is useless unless played as a DM with 2 other mids in front of him

Doesn’t work as a two midfield
But he doesn't

He does.

He's the only midfielder who can transition from midfield to attack, take up good positions and link up the play.

Gana and Morgan cant do that, and Sigurdsson has no ability to find space.

Havent lost a game with Davies on the pitch this season, he was an integral part to our only win, and when he's dropped we produce a stinker at home to West Ham.

You may not rate him as a player, but it's there for all to see that he does add a balance to the midfield.

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