Transfer Window Thread

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our most skillfull player is pienaar
our most creative is baines

thats why we are awesome when they both play.
we have been crying out for a mirror image on the right.

Martinez seems to prefer having a 'tactical' left wing with slower interplay but more intricate passing, while using the right-wing with Mirallas, Lennon and in 13/14 Deulofeu backing Coleman's pace to stretch the defenders. It's no surprise once Lennon was brought in our right-wing looked much more dangerous and Coleman came into his own again
Ballotelli seems like the type of person who could just wake up one morning and think "Ok, today is the day I quit being an insane jack-ass" and just be completely boss after that. Or, do a Dennis Rodman and dive head first into the deep end of the mentally unstable rich person lap pool.
lol lol

To me the biggest win will be keeping Stones and McCarthy. In the current market they are not replaceable.

They can be the spine of our team for 5 years. Even if Stones leaves next year it will be post-Euros, which should inflate the fee (though I'd rather he stayed). martinez clearly believes that aside from this ruddy '10' position our starting team is excellent and I'm inclined to agree. Praet, Hailovic, Van Djik, even Jonny Evans though that's a no go, these are buys I'm happy with.

People keep talking about Shaqiri and Yarmolenko, just because Stoke bid 14mn doesn't mean they are available.

Has anyone actually watched more than one Anderlecht game with Praet in the team before? The same with Barcelona B and Halilovic.
Martinez seems to prefer having a 'tactical' left wing with slower interplay but more intricate passing, while using the right-wing with Mirallas, Lennon and in 13/14 Deulofeu backing Coleman's pace to stretch the defenders. It's no surprise once Lennon was brought in our right-wing looked much more dangerous and Coleman came into his own again

this is where i think mcgeady is an issue. he hasnt got the pace of any of the 3 wingers you mention and doesnt get the shots or freekicks any of them get either.he is a totaly different type of wideman , which doesnt get the best out of coleman.
so for me , if it was a case of having to sell mcgeady to get lennon , id do it.
Has anyone actually watched more than one Anderlecht game with Praet in the team before? The same with Barcelona B and Halilovic.

praet a bit more of a proven player than halilovic tbh.
he fits the bill for the type of player we go for. young ,exciting , technically gifted , can play left right or center attacking positions , belgian , will have a sell on value even if he flops , worth a lot more if hes a success.
i just think he would compliment our belgian lads and our crop of young talents (lukaku, barkley, besic , stones, deulofeu)
praet a bit more of a proven player than halilovic tbh.
he fits the bill for the type of player we go for. young ,exciting , technically gifted , can play left right or center attacking positions , belgian , will have a sell on value even if he flops , worth a lot more if hes a success.
i just think he would compliment our belgian lads and our crop of young talents (lukaku, barkley, besic , stones, deulofeu)
You mean complement, don't you?

Or is he the type to say nice things about Belgians and young talents?

I know, I'm being very picky.

Apparently we've actually bid for Halilovic, at least according to 'The Toffee Talk' who seem to be quoting Sport, which is apparently a Spanish newspaper. It says Barca are willing to sell him but West Ham are favourites because of Slaven Bilic.

Can't imagine that this is true tbh.

See my post earlier -

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