Transfer Window Thread

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We require a big sexy long running rumour to sustain us.
How about this one from some Whopper on Sky Sports lol

Controversial but true: Mario Balotelli will become the first player in 13 years to switch teams on Merseyside when he signs for Everton in the next few weeks. They're trying to keep Lukaku at Goodison for another season too despite interest from Roma.
Assuming that we're actually going to bring in a big (for us) signing playmaker, surely we'd want it done soon so that they could settle in?

I'd be happy with Dembele from Fulham on the cheap as a back up striker.

It's already too late in my opinion. When you're trying to replace your best creative player, as I think we are, you need to give the new signing as much time as you can to settle in. They need to get used to the way of playing etc., but more importantly they need the time to become comfortable with their teammates, so they can be trusted to take responsibility. Had we got a creative player in January, they would have had half a season playing with the team, even if it was just as a sub, and would now be ready to be the main man for this season. Or if we'd got one before the start of preseason, they'd already feel like an Everton player and be integrated at least as much as Cleverley and Deulofeu are. Signing someone now, or after the season starts ... it doesn't really give them a chance. We'll be looking at trying to slowly ease them in, and then very quickly there'll be quotes about us seeing the best of them next season. We've needed to replace Pienaar for three years – ample time, you'd think – and we've missed the boat every time.
as for money ......when martinez came in , didnt we sign a few players then sell victor and fellaini , then jelavic ? we payed 13 of that for mccarthy.
yes , the following season we bought in barry besic and lukaku . but we had the fellaini surplas left over and that summers tv money.
if we havent got atleast 20 million id be astonished. we also have the wages freed up from alcaraz distin lennon etoo and atsu.
It's already too late in my opinion. When you're trying to replace your best creative player, as I think we are, you need to give the new signing as much time as you can to settle in. They need to get used to the way of playing etc., but more importantly they need the time to become comfortable with their teammates, so they can be trusted to take responsibility. Had we got a creative player in January, they would have had half a season playing with the team, even if it was just as a sub, and would now be ready to be the main man for this season. Or if we'd got one before the start of preseason, they'd already feel like an Everton player and be integrated at least as much as Cleverley and Deulofeu are. Signing someone now, or after the season starts ... it doesn't really give them a chance. We'll be looking at trying to slowly ease them in, and then very quickly there'll be quotes about us seeing the best of them next season. We've needed to replace Pienaar for three years – ample time, you'd think – and we've missed the boat every time.

Who's our best creative player and when is he leaving?

To me the biggest win will be keeping Stones and McCarthy. In the current market they are not replaceable.

They can be the spine of our team for 5 years. Even if Stones leaves next year it will be post-Euros, which should inflate the fee (though I'd rather he stayed). martinez clearly believes that aside from this ruddy '10' position our starting team is excellent and I'm inclined to agree. Praet, Hailovic, Van Djik, even Jonny Evans though that's a no go, these are buys I'm happy with.

People keep talking about Shaqiri and Yarmolenko, just because Stoke bid 14mn doesn't mean they are available.
our most skillfull player is pienaar
our most creative is baines

thats why we are awesome when they both play.
we have been crying out for a mirror image on the right.
I was waiting for somebody to mention Ballotelli , it had to happen eventually. File this under...not going to happen.

However, just think how much fun we would have if we did and he was a big success, it would be so sweet.
Ballotelli seems like the type of person who could just wake up one morning and think "Ok, today is the day I quit being an insane jack-ass" and just be completely boss after that. Or, do a Dennis Rodman and dive head first into the deep end of the mentally unstable rich person lap pool.

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