Travelling up to Hamburg for the Harbour Festival tomorrow. Thought I would check out the original labskaus while I'm there but this video put me off a bit.
Boiled beef, veggies, beetroot and pickled herring (!) put through the mincer and then fried. With a fried egg on top and more pickled herring on the side.
Think I'll stick to my Tiroler Gröstl. Looking forward to getting some decent fresh (non-pickled) fish, though.
ARD-Buffet: So isst Deutschland: Labskaus | ARD Mediathek
So isst Deutschland: Labskaus | Video | Hamburg, Hafen, Labskaus. Das ist untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Auch wenn das norddeutsche Kult-Gericht manchmal die Gemüter spaltet - unser Reporter hat sich auf Spurensuche begeben, warum das Gericht so beliebt im Norden ist.
Think I'll stick to my Tiroler Gröstl. Looking forward to getting some decent fresh (non-pickled) fish, though.