I've been type 2 for almost 20 years now . Try the Michael Moseley diet you don't eat bread spuds pasta or rice.. Also there are some herbs you can take which are good for your blood sugar like cinnamon and ginger and fenugreek . Also if you have a drink of alcohol Milk Thistle is a good herb for your liver. I think if you can do the Michael Moseley diet and stick to it it will really help you. Unfortunately for me I didn't stick to it and I'm still on the tablets.Got told 5 weeks ago that I've got type 2 diabetes, I was 61 on the score chart, since then I've cut out the chocolate (god that's been hard!) been on a low carbs diet, cut down on the boozehad another blood test because the doctor has said they have to confirm it , I'm trying my best because I want to try and lower it naturally than go on medication. Has anyone else successfully done it without medication and who could help with something nice to eat!