Wanting Success.

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I appreciate the theory in what you’re saying, but the examples you’ve chosen don’t do you any favours.

Fans said we were a disgrace and we...won something. Fans said we needed to sack the manager and we...had our most successful spell ever. You’re effectively proving the point that there’s no benefit to revolting because we’ll probably be wrong.

As I say, I know what you mean though, but i’m Still not sure what we can really do. Has Liverpool’s insistence that the league trophy is their birthright helped them to actually win it? Nope. Has arsenal tv helped arsenal regain their place in Europe’s elite? Another nope. So why are we different? We’ve booed them off, cheered them off, loved them, hated them, demanded wins, begged for wins, the whole lot. Has it made a difference? Not a jot.

Good players and managers win you games, not positive thinking, otherwise we might aswell have Noel Edmonds up front. Appoint the right manager and back him and we’ll fly up the league, whether there’s 6000 there or 60000.

Liverpool sacked Rodgers because he didn’t meet expectations. We both came into the premier league as members of the big 5 why are their expectations now bigger than ours? We don’t sack managers unless they look like they’ll take us down. They sacked Hodgson because the fans didn’t want him.

Arsenal spent too long moddycoddling Wenger because their fans allowed it. Do you really think that if the whole stadium were calling for Wenger to go he’d still be there?

Clubs now are super sensitive over their image on tv. What they want are full stadiums clapping blithely along, the result is irrelevant. If fans make a scene though, like the banners, walkouts, empty seats, planes etc. then they hate the negative press.

Amazing how Kenwrights 24/7 search for an investor came to an end almost immediately after planes started being flown against his regime.
It's the philosophy that went with Moyes not the mediocre league placings he managed to get. I notice also you managed to fail to flag up the cup win in that previous 11 year period, btw....under a manager who actually thought we had a duty to win things, unlike ginger.

Mediocre? 4th place with Kevin Kilbane, Alan Stubbs and Marcus Bent? 5th place twice, 6th place twice.

We're nowhere near that these days, and certainly don't have the consistency Moyes brought either. We have gone backwards since he left.

Please calmly put your head back on, I know I said the S word and the W word in the same sentence.

Fans of yesteryear hung banners ‘Sack Catterick, Keep Young’, they jostled him in a car park, they stayed away from Goodison in their droves no less than 3 seasons after a title winning campaign. Catterick responded with a cup win, Alan Ball was brought in and one of the greatest sides in English football history was created to win the title again.

These same fans daubed ‘Kendall out’ on the walls of Bellefield, they threw cushions at the team, they would not go to Goodison, 30,000 stay at home fans couldn’t be wrong. Kendall went on to win the cup and created one of the greatest sides in English football history.

Young fans now have not seen success in any way shape or form. Trophies may as well be a myth and home derby wins can be counted on one hand, away ones on one finger. We are not jostling managers in car parks because we’re not winning trophies, we’re not staying away from Goodison (although I still think more should), and we’re not throwing stuff into the hallowed turf in disgust.

Yet look at the reaction to what little fans have done. A section of fans booed Schneiderlin: ‘embarassing, not real fans, how’s that supporting the team’, they flew a few planes against Kenwright: ‘careful what you wish for, cringeworthy, disrespectful’, they daubed Martinez out on Goodison ‘how dare they, embarassing the fans, just no patience’, they hung Martinez out banners and ones in support of Baines ‘cringeworthy, no patience, won’t wait for anything, Kopite behaviour’.

If so much as a blue flare is lit - kopite behaviour

If we get excited about a raft of new signings - Geordies

If anyone dares stand up or sing at the match even - ‘sit down’.

What happened to Everton fans? How did they go from knocking down a title winning manager to being revolted by any fan who dares do anything in the name of wanting success. Would you prefer we all sat in silence whilst Kenwright and Elstone preside over another decade of mediocrity?

Do you know what that behaviour gets you? It gets you the clip art badge, it gets you ‘expected losses’, it gets you close to a decade of no derby wins, it gets you the local paper telling you why you should be 11th. It gets you managers hired after relegation, it gets you Cuco Martina, Ashley Williams and Morgan Schneiderlin. It gets you Sam Allardyce telling you that we can’t win a game of football before we’ve even started. Is this what you want?

Don’t settle for what they feed you.

Demand better, expect better, never give up on Nil Satis Nisi Optimum.

Tell that old fart or that stupid bearded hipster at the match to shut their hole when they tell you to sit down, stop booing or put your banner away.

It had to start with the fans. Once we let go Elstone Kenwright et al have won. They’re almost there. Packed crowds at Goodison to watch a Sam Allardyce team after they sold all our best players and we gave up every trophy this season. It’s a disgrace. A disgrace that Everton fans of previous generations would never ever have stood for. There’s nothing embarassing about wanting success.

Demand better.

I was tempted to just say "Shut up lad", but, that would just be lazy on my part.

So, if you feel that strongly, actually do something. Writing a few paras on an internet forum is a start, but, if you feel strong enough, don't just type things, organise like minded individuals and do something.

My best bet is that you won't though, you just want to sound off on the internet ( like a few keyboard warriors who have supported what you've said in this thread ) and have people respond to you, so, prove me wrong, and do something concrete.

*goes back into lurking mode*
Mediocre? 4th place with Kevin Kilbane, Alan Stubbs and Marcus Bent? 5th place twice, 6th place twice.

We're nowhere near that these days, and certainly don't have the consistency Moyes brought either. We have gone backwards since he left.
Moyes' average league placing was 7th/8th.


The worst of him though (even worse than the dullard hoofball he had the country associate Everton with) was his insistence that we as a club were second rate and supporters shouldn't insist we be a success...a REAL success. He dumbed us down with his mate Kenwright and we still pay for their reign of mediocrity to this day.
Wasn’t it Phil McNulty of all people who said no set of fans were as obsessed with their club than Evertonians?

I as a single Evertonian can do absolutely nothing to help the club bridge what is a terrifying gap between us and the elite. Nothing at all.

There was a time when defeat would mean not just a ruined evening or weekend but an entire week could be written off such was my anger. I destroyed a conservatory window once thanks to bloody Darren Caskey.

Nowadays as with other things in life I don’t really fret too much about our state whilst always finding the optimism to hope for better.

I do agree though that everyone drawing a salary from the club should demand better, or the best.
We have nobody at the club with a winners mentality apart from Rooney.

I don’t think Moshiri buys into that at all though his utterings have betrayed him if he does. That zeal has to be imposed from the top down.

I’ll settle for progress even if it can only be slow and steady and if success takes many years yet, I’ll be right there waiting. In the meantime we still have a punchers chance at a cup, although very slight. provided we got lucky draws and actually tried to go out and win.

Boss post this, to be fair.

The older generation who saw Peter Reid, Howard Kendall, Andy King etc. are now happy for Schneiderlin to laze about and cry about people criticising him.

It’s no wonder we haven’t won anything for years.
Some generalisation that. Yep its all the fans' fault. Well the older ones anyway.

Not the Chairman, not lack of money, not poor boardroom decisions, not poor choices for manager, not poor recruitment policy, no, it's defo the fans' fault that we haven't won anything for years because they accept mediocrity.

Some generalisation that. Yep its all the fans' fault. Well the older ones anyway.

Not the Chairman, not lack of money, not poor boardroom decisions, not poor choices for manager, not poor recruitment policy, no, it's defo the fans' fault that we haven't won anything for years because they accept mediocrity.


I agree.
Alarmingly I find myself agreeing with the OP and Davek!
In business, companies that pride themselves on being the seventh best in their particular brand ladder soon go away. Few companies would espouse a mission statement of “we plan to not go out of business” and yet we blues have been sold this line so many times it has stuck. Earlier in the thread a poster was lauding Moyes for moving our rolling 10 year average league finish from 11th to 8th. FFS!! He was here for over a decade and he never won anything!! 8th is not good enough and neither is finishing 7th this year!!
I am an Evertonian - we are a great club that wants to win things - even our motto/crest has that embodied in it. I realize there are long odds on us winning anything but part of believing in your team is believing you can beat those long odds.
Sadly many of us got that feeling back at the start of the season, buying the players we wanted, papers talking up our top six credentials, etc. And now we are saying we should keep the BFS because we didn’t go down! Oh no, hold on, he is saying it and the club are allowing him to! FFS Everton get your head out of your arse and get some pride back. Sack the BFS and get a leader in who does not define success as ‘not failing’.
The club needs a purge from top to bottom and anyone whose goal (short or long term) is not ‘to win the league,win the cup(s), and be the best’ should be fired on the spot.
You would never get away with that in a proper company.
Mediocre? 4th place with Kevin Kilbane, Alan Stubbs and Marcus Bent? 5th place twice, 6th place twice.

We're nowhere near that these days, and certainly don't have the consistency Moyes brought either. We have gone backwards since he left.
You are right. We are coming 7th instead because Man City hit the sugar daddy lottery.

Moyes record in the cups was pretty poor.

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