Unfortunately however, that logic can quickly vanish into the ether because of the human trait that is greed and the desire for 'more wealth'.
For example, why do the mega-rich (well beyond that of Wayne and co.) continue to gain increase their already immeasurable wealth? Prestige?
He's incredibly rich like we all know, but to maintain his lavish lifestyle over the long-term may require an income which may soon disappear.
I'm sure his advisers, who will also take a chunk of his wealth, will be importantly promoting the benefits of a few extra years of earning to this.
What if he wants that hugely expensive Ferrari in ten years? Or who'll pay your wife's immense fashion purchases bought on a whim?
For the common man it may rightfully seem that he already has enough money, but it will not feel like that if he wants to sustain his wealth.
Hence why a few extra years in the limelight earning a few hundred thousand per week will be something that'll still be important for him.
And there it is, in a nutshell. Don't underestimate the power of this. Wazzer is an experienced footballer but he's a 31 year old bloke who I would imagine has little real experience of life outside of his bubble. 'Advisers' are very persuasive when they sniff a feed.