Weird lodger stories.
My old next door neighbour had s couple of flats he rented out. He wasn’t keen on agencies fees, so used to let them out to people who knew / friends of friends for cash.
One of the flats was rented out to an old school mate, who all of a sudden stopped paying and wouldn’t return any messages.
My neighbour went around to the flat a few times and got no reply, but the people in the flat opposite, told him that the fella was living elsewhere, but was still coming around every now again to pick up mail.
My neighbour shoves s note through the door, telling his mate, that if he doesn’t pay what he owes, he’s out in four weeks - that would take it up to three months unpaid rent.
He never hears from him and the rent isn’t paid.
He duly let’s himself in, to find that the bath is full of stagnant water, there’s dishes in the sink, that have been there for months, same with milk and meat in the fridge. The bin is full of maggots, the flat is full of flies and worse of all, is an un opened suitcase, that when opened has dirty clothing, that’s been sealed for at least three months. When he opened it, the smell nearly blew him off his feet.
Turns out the longer had been on holiday, met a local girl, come home, dropped his bags off and moved straight in with her.
The upshot was my neighbour had to get a professional cleaning firm in to fumigate the flat, throw everything in the flat out and redecorate / refurnish the whole lot - he never saw or heard from the lodger again lol