Not that long if the stup is taken out low as it should be i.e. A magic pick to cut the soil around it as it is a conifer tree almost at ground level drill deep holes pour in with a water can it will kill the fibrous rooots and in a month will easil move out or less depending on the circumstances - I removed one in my younger days 14ft high no problem........
The biggest out lay is the shredder to get rid of the conifer branches tbh .....
The guy pied me I can assure you £100 to remove a conifer stump is OTT bordering a rip off... the estimate to cut it down and spread it is average - written estimates are best get three....
The stump is not a big job if cut a low as possible .....use a watering can and fill the holes up slowly you drill repeatedly ....till it soaks in the stump well