Player Valuation: £8m
Savage.I was out with the Mrs had a few slurps and I said I love you more and more each day and don't think I could live without you, she said that's the beer talking I said I'm talking to the beer
Savage.I was out with the Mrs had a few slurps and I said I love you more and more each day and don't think I could live without you, she said that's the beer talking I said I'm talking to the beer
I suppose I should own up. There was this one time when I was seventeen and I was seeing this girl who was 28 and had seven breasts. When she took me home to meet her parents I said hi, madam, sir, and proceded to drink nine bottles of Jack Daniels before urinating all over the gluten free meal her mother had prepared especially for me. When her father asked why I'd do such a thing I just took a dump on the floor and left.
Because lads, innit.
The next day, though, I was going out with this supermodel who said I was the only one for her. This was back when I was having a trial for Utd and got an offer but then I did my cruciate in, lads. Anyway, she took me on holiday with her family to this little island they owned in the Med. Me being me, I poured two litres of cooked heroin into my eyeballs because LADS and then canonned a load of urine into her little sister's face for no reason. When the mother asked why I said "'cause LADS" and spat in her eye.
'cos lads.
'Cos lads I'm a lad and once I'm ladding this bird Kate Middleton in this big house and because lads this old bird with a crown comes in so I get my lad out and literally shoot her face off with a stream of urine lads. Then a couple of corgies run in and start lapping it up so I just shrug and have another Stella 'cos I'm a lad.
This thread has took a turn for the better!
Who won?
Hahahahahaa. Crying here.I suppose I should own up. There was this one time when I was seventeen and I was seeing this girl who was 28 and had seven breasts. When she took me home to meet her parents I said hi, madam, sir, and proceded to drink nine bottles of Jack Daniels before urinating all over the gluten free meal her mother had prepared especially for me. When her father asked why I'd do such a thing I just took a dump on the floor and left.
Because lads, innit.
The next day, though, I was going out with this supermodel who said I was the only one for her. This was back when I was having a trial for Utd and got an offer but then I did my cruciate in, lads. Anyway, she took me on holiday with her family to this little island they owned in the Med. Me being me, I poured two litres of cooked heroin into my eyeballs because LADS and then canonned a load of urine into her little sister's face for no reason. When the mother asked why I said "'cause LADS" and spat in her eye.
'cos lads.
'Cos lads I'm a lad and once I'm ladding this bird Kate Middleton in this big house and because lads this old bird with a crown comes in so I get my lad out and literally shoot her face off with a stream of urine lads. Then a couple of corgies run in and start lapping it up so I just shrug and have another Stella 'cos I'm a lad.
I wee'd in my mother in law's drink while she was in the toilets once at a pub, she thought the lager was a strange colour and drank it. When she drunk it and found out she got in a mood and left in her car leaving her husband with us in the pub, ended up tying his legs together and rolling him down the hill into a river at about 4 in the morning in the middle of Cheshire countryside and being so pissed that we thought he'd drowned. Will never forget me mate ringing the police and turning himself in because he'd 'rolled a fella into the sea and I think I've killed him'. I miss being 18.
So many questions.....
First off why did you wee in the mother in laws drink? And after how many swigs did she notice?!
As for the father in law......did he not out up a bit of a fight at any point? !?!
By admitting that I thought her entire family were genuinely retarded and I was worried that if we had kids she would pass down her defective genes to our offspring, before getting hammered on absinthe and telling them all to their face. Then waking up at a bus stop.
I also got spotted having a few drinks with a 'gender fluid' friend that I managed to convince her was purely for researching a potential article.