Many moons ago, was the first time I dissapointed her
We were just going out at the time and we were in Rhyl so went out to a classy club called the Orange Peel
She sat down and I went the bar, lager for me and a red witch for her...I spoilt her in them days
As I was walking back I had to cross a deserted dance floor, well besides two lads dancing together. One of them knocked into me and as he did i apologised out of courtesy. Next thing I knew him and his mate were in my face and pushing me. I quickly realised these folk were from Manchester, and they didn't like Liverpool folk. I tried to explain I was with somebody and didn't want trouble. This didn't work so i went to plan B, I just butted one of them and then just hoped for the best. At that point I think I had just started a riot as the place turned into one big brawl. Next thing I knew a bouncer had me and was dragging me out, I decided for some reason to throw a punch at didn't go down well.
They kicked me out and when I asked if they could get my girlfriend they just laughed. I had to wait outside for her with a bloody nose and the knowledge I had at least one black eye. She appeared after about 15mins, at first concerned but then realising I was in the thick of it all, she was fuming with me.
Even now we can't talk about it, even joke about it