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  • Users: HSD
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  1. HSD

    Poll : Martinez Post Newcastle

    Can't help but like the guy.
  2. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    Haha, oops! But then it turns to black by the end of the vid, a little like my feelings.
  3. HSD

    The Worst Pain

    Nononono. The worst pain is when your appendix ruptures. Oh man.
  4. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    Thanks for all your nice comments guys. Hopefully there's a massive improvement from those god awful Everton drawings I did 5 years back.
  5. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    Ah, they're all graphite pencils, I have a load of sets of Derwent ones which I always use but I've used up all the 2Bs so when you see the red pencil, it's a 2B from a different pencil set that's all.
  6. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    GOT's been my home for the past 5 years, damn it!
  7. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    Thank you, and unfortunately that's very highly unlikely. One day I'll have an exhibition, that's the one thing art-wise I'd love to happen. But I'll have to save up the funds to do it myself, so it's a long way away yet!
  8. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    Don't say that! Now I won't be leaving my house!
  9. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    There is, they're both horrifically bad drawings though. I like your thinking though. So maybe.
  10. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    Probably, I find that we play better when I don't watch so....sorry, everyone!
  11. HSD

    So HSD is about to be famous - congrats! :)

    Oh that's cool! Shame the timing of when I've finished it, while people are super mad with him!
  12. HSD

    How has the downturn affected your life?

    I live with a group of design students, we don't have time to talk football, thankfully. Although a good part of my last night out was spent with the guys discussing how bad we've been. I downed my drink.
  13. HSD


    Just saw a status 'Someone text me while I watch this film!' WHAT. No. Why. Why would you want that?
  14. HSD


    I don't like Facebook. I only still have it to keep in the loop with my Uni course 'cos we have a group on there. Twitter on the other hand, well if anyone's seen my Twitter you'll know I use it far too much. Mainly to get my drawings out there and such, but also to complain about everything ever.
  15. HSD

    The drunk thread

    I got pretty drunk last night and got angry because some woman was dancing too near to our table. Me+alcohol+women don't get on very well.
  16. HSD

    hey you

  17. HSD

    minor things that make you fume

    People. People are so frustrating. (Not all people, though.)
  18. HSD

    Merry Christmas

    Hahahahaha, luckily I hate pandora.
  19. HSD

    Merry Christmas

    Don't think my fella would be too happy about that!
  20. HSD

    Merry Christmas

    Thank you!