£40m Bid Made For Sigurdsson

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Looks like we'll use add ons to reach near £50m. Very good player but at 28 another poor investment like Bolasie.
We might have had M Dembele for that money and now we've set this precedent we'll be rinsed trying to buy any striker.
Anyway these are exciting times. RK is getting supported in a way his predecessors only dreamed of. He's under intense pressure to deliver now.
The way I see it is we brought in 2 attacking players of a high calibre (Sandro, Rooney) for not a lot so we have money to waste on others. Siggy is far too expensive but we can afford it so meh.

Siggy, Rooney and Sandro for 55m ? Sounds good to me, or Siggy, Rooney, Sandro, Giroud for 75m, ;ets get it done and move on, been ages since we signed someone
Looks like we'll use add ons to reach near £50m. Very good player but at 28 another poor investment like Bolasie.
We might have had M Dembele for that money and now we've set this precedent we'll be rinsed trying to buy any striker.
Anyway these are exciting times. RK is getting supported in a way his predecessors only dreamed of. He's under intense pressure to deliver now.
He can have no excuses now, this is his team, the club have secured him nearly all his transfer targets (balde being the exception). A real crack at the top 4 and a trophy should be his aim this season.
You can do as you please mate, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I can say this I have had many debates with Dave over the years on the most minutiae and nuanced issues when it comes to Everton.

One thing Dave certainly is not is a Kopite.

I have more respect for kopites, they're supposed to hate us. But when you have supporters who hate their own club it's beyond the pale. He's like a home grown terrorist.

But this window isnt like any others, so far we have spent ALMOST 100m and got more in return and we arent finished yet, we are close to completing our 9th signing, 9 signings in July.

Im willing to discuss the merits of all the players, I personally have no major concerns with any of them, some of the fees are on the high side, but ive said since this window started, this transfer window will be disgusting. For once we are 1 of the team engaged deep in the filth, sit back and enjoy the ride.

We have sold Lukaku, he has wanted to leave for the last 2 years, finally somebody bid for him, hes was a big player for us, without question our best player, but we replaced him with 7 others, for me thats just what this squad needed.

I'm not saying your wrong mate, I'm probably holding a ground between yourself and Dave at the moment, I have concerns the amount spent doesn't concern me, it's the origan of income that seems to be centered on player trading against on the pitch progress. Like you say we are in the black. But I am prepared to let the window happen and assess the progress on the pitch, but nothing is a given in my opinion.

I like all our signings I think Keane and Pickford are real value I don't think we overpayec for either, Sandro and Klassen seem to me educated calculated risks with no pedigree in this league, I hope they are amazing obviously but they are wait and sees. Rooney is a steady addition and I expect double figures in goals and assists. You can see why we need a Gylfi given the lack of certainty around Klassen and Sandro and they need to adjust.

I disagree on Lukaku, I don't accept the whole he wanted to go hey ho nature of that. If we have serious ambitition we need to keep our best players AND make signing instead of constantly recycling and threading water. The clubs ahead of us rarely sell their top centre forwards to each other, that is essentially what we have done in addition to strengthening a close rival with our best player. It should be supporting and keeping our best players not replacing them with whatever number.

The Jury is out for me mate.
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Looks like we'll use add ons to reach near £50m. Very good player but at 28 another poor investment like Bolasie.
We might have had M Dembele for that money and now we've set this precedent we'll be rinsed trying to buy any striker.
Anyway these are exciting times. RK is getting supported in a way his predecessors only dreamed of. He's under intense pressure to deliver now.

But Dembele could have flopped massively and then that's 50 million wasted. At least with Gylfi you pretty much know what you get as he is proven in the PL, hence why you pay the premium. It is what it is and if the board/manager at Everton think its a sound investment that's good enough for me
He can have no excuses now, this is his team, the club have secured him nearly all his transfer targets (balde being the exception). A real crack at the top 4 and a trophy should be his aim this season.

Still need a true striker to replace Rom. Who that is I don't know (I like Giroud). Now with Mori injured I'd argue a new CB is a must. Then sit back and work on outgoings and see if there is anything else. That we can clip at the deadline
I have more respect for kopites, they're supposed to hate us. But when you have supporters who hate their own club it's beyond the pale. He's like a home grown terrorist.

Critisim can drive defensiveness or self improvement, it's about how you use it.

Everton at times need a bit of objective critisim as much as they need support.

Fans are the watchdogs really.
I'm not saying your wrong mate, I'm probably holding a ground between yourself and Dave at the moment, I have concerns the amount spent doesn't concern me, it's the origanum of income against on the pitch progress. Like you say we are in the black. But I am prepared to let the window happen and assess the progress on the pitch, but nothing is a given in my opinion.

I like all our signings I think Keane and Pickford are real value I don't think we overplayed for either, Sandro and Klassen seem to me educated calculated risks with no pedigree in this league, I hope they are amazing obviously but they are wait and sees. Rooney is a steady addition and I expect double figures in goals and assists. You can see why we need a Gylfi given the lack of certainty around Klassen and Sandro and they need to adjust.

I disagree on Lukaku, I don't except the whole he wanted to go hey ho, nature of that if we have serious ambitition we need to keep our best players AND make signing instead of constantly recycling and threading water. The clubs ahead of rarely sell their top centre forwards to each other, that essentially what we have done strengthen a close rival with our best player. It should be supporting and keeping our best players not replacing them with whatever number.

The Jury is out for me mate.

Arsenal sold Utd RVP and we could potentially buy Giroud from Arsenal, this very day City have just bought Walker from Spurs.

Transfers happen between top clubs.

But Dembele could have flopped massively and then that's 50 million wasted. At least with Gylfi you pretty much know what you get as he is proven in the PL, hence why you pay the premium. It is what it is and if the board/manager at Everton think its a sound investment that's good enough for me
Maybe we still get Dembele? But if we are going to spend silly on a gamble. Dolberg please!
Haha he's a fire mate your all feeding him. You need to listen to some of what he is saying he is making some very valid points, I share some of his concerns, but wouldn't be as absolute about them, until the end of the window and we are ten games into the season.

There are big ??? over the administration and bankrolling of this window.

What are you, his spokesperson or something?

Mate, with all due respect, he gets called out more for his blatant and constant attack on the manager and the heirarchy, all because of his pathetic man love for the former clown who was manager.

If you feel the need to defend that, then that says more about you than the people you are trying to bring to task with their retaliation comments to him.
Sigurdsson is as close as you get to a risk-free signing for a manager, Koeman wants one of those. Anyone can go cat-wild for some barely pubescent Euro-star but this is a solid signing.

Solid is good.
What are you, his spokesperson or something?

Mate, with all due respect, he gets called out more for his blatant and constant attack on the manager and the heirarchy, all because of his pathetic man love for the former clown who was manager.

If you feel the need to defend that, then that says more about you than the people you are trying to bring to task with their retaliation comments to him.

I'm certainly not bringing anyone to task and Dave certainly doesn't need any minders.

If he believes something different to you what harm really. People are entitled to spend hours argueing with him.

My point was in relation to his points in this thread some of which I think are very good and thought provoking, I'm just trying to play the ball as opposed to the man.

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