Player Valuation: £50m
Well, I've been well negged, but it's not exactly like I didn't expect it.
Think about this.
The Left are asking "how the flub did this result happen? Are the so-called shy Tories such selfish cowards that they won't even publically say who they vote for?"
No. It's not that at all.
A defining characteristic of "conservatism" is a having a sense of self-confidence about yourself, because you've examined both sides of the arguments. We don't feel the need to shout our opinion from every rooftop and seek affirmation from other like-minded individuals; we're completely at peace with our decisions.
They say that if you don't vote Labour at 20 then you don't have a heart, but if you still vote that way at 30 then you don't have a brain. Many more people turn from Labour to Tory over their lifetime than the other way. WHY IS THAT? Is it that people become less generous as they age? Or, perhaps, it is because people, at some point, are forced to grow up and face the reality of the way the world works. Socialist ideals sounds nice and fluffy in practice but in reality when you follow through their implications from first principles you arrive at some horrific conclusions.
Most conservatives have had that internal conversation with themselves an arrived at that conclusion.
The standard conversational line of the Left when they meet an "everyday" conservative (and there are many of them in the country) is often something like... "Tories are meant to be nasty... you're too nice to be a Tory..."
Well, our standard reply should be "You're too smart to be a socialist."
Think about this.
The Left are asking "how the flub did this result happen? Are the so-called shy Tories such selfish cowards that they won't even publically say who they vote for?"
No. It's not that at all.
A defining characteristic of "conservatism" is a having a sense of self-confidence about yourself, because you've examined both sides of the arguments. We don't feel the need to shout our opinion from every rooftop and seek affirmation from other like-minded individuals; we're completely at peace with our decisions.
They say that if you don't vote Labour at 20 then you don't have a heart, but if you still vote that way at 30 then you don't have a brain. Many more people turn from Labour to Tory over their lifetime than the other way. WHY IS THAT? Is it that people become less generous as they age? Or, perhaps, it is because people, at some point, are forced to grow up and face the reality of the way the world works. Socialist ideals sounds nice and fluffy in practice but in reality when you follow through their implications from first principles you arrive at some horrific conclusions.
Most conservatives have had that internal conversation with themselves an arrived at that conclusion.
The standard conversational line of the Left when they meet an "everyday" conservative (and there are many of them in the country) is often something like... "Tories are meant to be nasty... you're too nice to be a Tory..."
Well, our standard reply should be "You're too smart to be a socialist."