6 + 2 Point Deductions

Evertonians who talk about being guilty and accepting all this injustice.

Utterly contemptible.

It's an absolute joke. Absolute and utter joke. How many times are football fans gonna let these clowns make decisions that just destroy the game?

We fell for it with VAR. Believing it would stop terrible decisions like, err, the ball going out of play before a goal is scored, or Maradonna 86', or somebody being 6 yards offside and scoring a goal that is allowed to stand.

That's what it was sold as. Is it what we got? Is it heck. They analyse some things down to millimetres, and dismiss other things as 'not being clear and obvious errors.' It's so contradictory it's actually hard to believe it happens. And don't get me started on the fact that it effectively means teams in cup competitions can actually play matches under different rules.

This stuff was sold as being in place to protect clubs. Now league tables can be decided by accountants, lawyers, and god only knows what other gremlins.

Do points deductions protect clubs from the dangers of overspending? Absolutely not.

Do they help 'sustainability'? lol

It amazes me how English football fans just take this bull over and over again. League Two is amongst the top 10 leagues in Europe for support. Despite the rubbish rammed down everybody's throat, we actually don't need to put up with this. They've destroyed the English Leagues to the point that I'd love nothing more than for the scab 6 to pee off to their little cabal, The rest of the English game would still attract the largest overall attendance in continental Europe (not sure about Turkey tbh.)

I don't even care that much if we're relegated anymore. End of the day, I'll always support the blues, and as long as we've got a match to play, goals to cheer, and something to aim for, we will still have the pure essence of football, regardless of how little or much money that involves.
It's not about last season, it's about 2021-22.

Leeds could claim that if Everton had been docked 10 points for the season of the breach (2021-22 accounts) then they would have finished above Everton and therefore be worthy of more prize money.

Why Forest are trying to get involved is beyond me.

Trying desperately to claw back what they can, because they’re next on the chopping block.
This is where I have a bit of a problem. And, I assume most Evertonians.

I suppose what we're feeling could be described as 'pre-emptive' indignation. Before the fact, we are generally assuming that the footballing authorities will not be dealing with other offenders accordingly. Given their history, I believe they have more than earned this complete distrust
No sane Everton fan would deny that the decision makers at the club have put us in this mess, however, while I agree with most of your post, There is no way I can trust the Prem.
And that's absolutely fair enough. If I'm honest, I don't feel much different than you in how it might be handled. However, we shouldn't be going down the road of they are picking on us because we are Everton. It's unhealthy and it doesn't move us forward.

Once the appeal is done and the points reduction happens, this is a new start. Our card has been marked and we need to focus on getting our finances and club back on an even keel. We cannot keep on losing money to this extent. It's the road to ruin.
Got to say I love this as a response, much better and more effective than the finger. Seems to sting a lot for them, we’ll get someone to blow their cover with it one day.
It’s coming mate. They can’t help themselves at the minute.

I personally love their responses of “so I’m a kopite because I have a different opinion?” Hahaha , they must think we fell with the last batch of rain

See the lurkers are out in force, sticking the knife in.

So much for all fans should stick together eh? Obvs they only meant with VAR issues.

Screw them all.

It’s like their club can try and kill football with the euro super league and get away Scot free…. Must be great knowing you can do what you want and be immune from sanctions.

Apparently the compensation has to be settled this season which raises the spectre of administration
Nonsense. Refer me to the relevant rule. I am unaware of any PL rule which provides a mechanism or time frame for clubs suing each other.

If , big if , those clubs bring an action against Everton it will be in the High Court .

As someone who practiced in the Hight Court I can tell you such action will take a minimum of 3 years , probably closer to 5 years to resolve .
Everyone is livid. But some are livid at the Prem and others are livid at the people who caused this in the first place.

Are you livid lad?

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