6 + 2 Point Deductions

Every club feels like the Premier League is out to get them. All of them. They think that decisions are unfair and go against them all the time.

At least they can STFU now. This club has taken it on the chin countless times with "you can't protest, that's RS behavior" being the way to calm things down. Screw that, every Evertonian should now see the BS being served up and us as the sacrificial lamb. And we ALL know nobody else is going to get hit with anything like this again. There are loads of clubs who spent more than us and had greater losses; are they being charged? Nope.
We should make things at GP as uncomfortable as possible for everyone visiting. Stick the ref in a 4’ x 4’ changing cubicle, be as awkward as possible with the tv and press, have ‘accidentally’ cold water showers only in the visitors changing rooms, etc etc.
Commercial deals would hit revenues though. That’s the point. Burnley came straight back up as well. So you could argue it’s only impacted them for a single season.

The point is, there are plenty of arguments to mitigate a 100m compensation claim that would drastically reduce it.
It's so open to interpretation on both sides that it would almost be impossible to legislate. The fact remains that they got less points than us, that we did not have a sporting advantage by breaking the ffp rule for an extra 6 millions per year...
So after trying to digest 228 pages of comments, what I can’t understand is……the panel said we gained no sporting advantage, so why is the sanction clearly a sporting one, rather than a punishment unrelated to performance? As some journalists have said, this season the table will lie.
They didn't say that we didn't gain a sporting advantage. They said there was a sporting advantage.

This isn't something that is arguable, that's in what the words say. The sooner people stop misrepresenting that the better. Fans should understand what the punishment is for after all.
No. practically everyone is livid at the Premier League including non blues. Everyone knows how badly ran we have been and deserved to be punished but the punishment given does not in any shape or form fit the crime. Worst case should have been a fine, maybe a threat of point reduction for the future but thanks for being open and working with us to resolve it.

Get angry mate, The corrupt PL don't deserve your empathy or compliance.
As I said, this is all part of the game. Hit them with a heavy points deduction initially, reduce it on appeal.

I don't need to get angry other than when people starting hurling the RS insults. Then I'll fight back with everything I've got.

Welll , go out and form your own teams create your own league , invest what time and money you can afford to make it work.
We all moan about the state of football and how much we have come to mistrust and dislike how it had become , but no one is prepared to create an alternative.
We are all seemingly happier acting out the helpless victim status , and I include football supporters as a whole not just us .
The problem with that is it requires a level of trust in the PL that their motivation is to make football competitive and prevent clubs folding. Their actions don't back that up after seeing the scab 6 avoid punishment, welcoming first russian money and then middle east, forcing through the newcastle sale. The extremely harsh punishment of Everton coinciding with their desperation to avoid independent regualtion only sows further seeds of mistrust, the only way that falls by the wayside is if city and chelsea recieve huge punishments.

Say that happens, which I doubt, and you have a draconian FFP system that ensures a monopoly of already established clubs such as liverpool (hence the support from certain memebers in here) and manu and no one else being able to get near them, the only alternative to allow obscene billionaires in to buy their way into competing.

Its an ugly picture and right now stuck inbetween the two systems the only one being punished is Everton, I would say misrust from Evertonians is absolutely warrented
Nonsense. Refer me to the relevant rule. I am unaware of any PL rule which provides a mechanism or time frame for clubs suing each other.

If , big if , those clubs bring an action against Everton it will be in the High Court .

As someone who practiced in the Hight Court I can tell you such action will take a minimum of 3 years , probably closer to 5 years to resolve .

Well I hope you’re right because I don’t think we can take another 9 points deduction
We all know and they know it is going to be appealed. That is why they set it at 10 and it will end up at 5 or 6. It's all part of the game.
If the appeal body accepts our mitigation against the £19.5m then the 10 points deduction should be rescinded.
The new formula the PL developed in August 23 stated 6 points for the breach and 1 point for every £5m over the £105m limit.
If there is no overspend based on the mitigation being accepted on appeal then the technical breach must disappear as well.
It’s got to be either 0 points or 7/8 points(reflecting that not all mitigation is taken into consideration). The Player X £10m mitigation is half of the £19.5m.
We have been managed by a dysfunctional board under Kenwright and Moshiri regimes but we are being scapegoated here if we are being punished more than going into administration.

The way in which accounting years end and FFP or P&S monitoring periods likewise run meant that the season during which you could have been charged for your 21/22 numbers was indeed in season 22/23 but and here’s the big but the timing of the charges was dealt with by the commission itself who in effect ruled it would be impossible to let the process run its proper course before the end of the 22/23 season . That for me is key and why I believe any claims to compensation to be paid by the likes of Leeds will fail.
I personally wouldn’t get too deep into the debate about administration because thats not , in my view going to happen because primary as I say above I think that compensation won’t be appropriate but even if it were the compensation would be due to a football creditor and any NewCo that would look to take Everton out of Administration would have to pay football creditors
The press at the moment have got their claws into you . They will shift to another and my guess is that we will be next purely because we have already put our hands up.

You lot will be fine you just need to stick together, not let the bast***s grind you down and you will be fine
WTF are you saying here? The financial situation was NEVER the issue. Everton had at least 4 strong mitigating factors why they overspent and they were all sourced back to the PL's own doorstep.

Everton are not to blame here.

In any case, as I said, you and your attitude are the past mate. An irrelevancy. You represent no one.
Do you understand what mitigation actually means. It doesn't absolve you of blame. It just means you should get a lighter sentence. Unfortunately that also means aggravating factors have to be taken into account as well like misleading both the Premier league and the Independent Commission.

If we were not to blame then why did we admit our guilt at the pre-trial?

We overspent because Moshiri mismanaged the finances.

You are being played by Moshiri. The club is shouting from the rooftops how unfair it is. Shouted that it was innocent of any charges and then pleaded guilty at the last moment.
Good post Sir.
We all know the league is rigged. Leicester is a great example of that. Won the league and where are they now because they weren't allowed to spend to stay at that level? Another example is Wolves, they came up and achieved 7th place twice. They were soon restricted in what they could do. Villa, Forest and Bournemouth will be next. The only outlier is Brighton as they have done well and recouped a lot of money...however, their best players have been snatched up just as Southampton's were.

The only issue I have with your comments is that final sentence. Something needs to be done to control this ridiculous and reckless spending that says it is OK to only lose 105M every three years. We were caught red handed and while the Prem league is at pains to say we didn't deliberately mislead their panel, the reality is that statement is window dressing.

Our owner and our management is to blame for this mess, yet so many of our fans want to lay blame elsewhere. They want to make excuses for what amounts to fraudulent statements.

As I have repeatedly said, this should be the beginning of a new start. We admitted guilt. We should appeal to reduce the points deficit and we should move forward. We won't go down and we will still be a Prem side next season.

What happens to other sides is their business. We have to trust the Prem. will deal with other offenders accordingly. Now let's stop the victim act. Our owner put us in this position. No-one else.
The only way to do it is with a year spend cap, regardless of incoming and a wage cap. That won't happen though.

You would have to impose a maximum spend of £100m per year with League representation within contractual transfer discussions. That way you can say with certainty that any other money spent is an attempt to defraud the system and Immediate points deductions etc.

Wage cap is near impossible though with the likes of City, United and Liverpool paying the extortionate wages they do.
If the appeal body accepts our mitigation against the £19.5m then the 10 points deduction should be rescinded.
The new formula the PL developed in August 23 stated 6 points for the breach and 1 point for every £5m over the £105m limit.
If there is no overspend based on the mitigation being accepted on appeal then the technical breach must disappear as well.
It’s got to be either 0 points or 7/8 points(reflecting that not all mitigation is taken into consideration). The Player X £10m mitigation is half of the £19.5m.
We have been managed by a dysfunctional board under Kenwright and Moshiri regimes but we are being scapegoated here if we are being punished more than going into administration.
I'm genuinely amused by them drawing up a new sanctions formula in the last couple of months, despite the rules being in place for ten years, and then trying to get the independent commission to use it.
As I said, this is all part of the game. Hit them with a heavy points deduction initially, reduce it on appeal.

I don't need to get angry other than when people starting hurling the RS insults. Then I'll fight back with everything I've got.

Luckily you are blameless in all this aren't you precious ? When you swear and call other Evertonians names as part of you're reasoned arguments you get it back.

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