6 + 2 Point Deductions

Apparently the compensation has to be settled this season which raises the spectre of administration
Defo one to keep an eye on this !

If there is any chance of us going into administration or bust then I wont be renewing my season tickets until its decided or at least wait until the last possible day to renew and decide then.

If we go bust then I don't expect much left for repaying season ticket holders for 2024/2025 season!

In fact I may change to pay monthly instead of all upfront in February which will reduce the financial risk to me until the full extent of any further action is known!
You are in denial.
The mitigating factors were all b/s.
What sort of crap is this ?

The unforeseen loss of a major sponsor was a huge mitigating factor. 200 mil stadium naming rights plus all the other add ons & there's No breach.

Well publicised loss of transfer value of a player we couldn't play plus his huge wages until his contract expired.
These are just 2 that put us well within FFP/ P&S There are other mitigating factors if you choose to read about them.

Its not BS , its an Epic injustice.
The only way to do it is with a year spend cap, regardless of incoming and a wage cap. That won't happen though.

You would have to impose a maximum spend of £100m per year with League representation within contractual transfer discussions. That way you can say with certainty that any other money spent is an attempt to defraud the system and Immediate points deductions etc.

Wage cap is near impossible though with the likes of City, United and Liverpool paying the extortionate wages they do.
Maybe... alternatvely, you can continue to reduce the maximum allowance by 5M to 10M per year until you get to zero. That gives clubs plenty of time to budget and get themselves on a sustainable level. Natural growth of clubs is desirable and needed but reckless spending has to be stopped for the good of the teams, supporters and the competition. Something needs to be done to level the playing field though but trying to close that gate after some have already bolted is a difficult task.

I can't see a wage cap coming in as that was done away with in the Jimmy Hill days but clubs can decide they won't pay stupid wages and transfer fees.
What sort of crap is this ?

The unforeseen loss of a major sponsor was a huge mitigating factor. 200 mil stadium naming rights plus all the other add ons & there's No breach.

Well publicised loss of transfer value of a player we couldn't play plus his huge wages until his contract expired.
These are just 2 that put us well within FFP/ P&S There are other mitigating factors if you choose to read about them.

Its not BS , its an Epic injustice.

Ignore him it's the only way, has a deep seated grudge this one, wonder if he was the one with the blue cone ?
We should make things at GP as uncomfortable as possible for everyone visiting. Stick the ref in a 4’ x 4’ changing cubicle, be as awkward as possible with the tv and press, have ‘accidentally’ cold water showers only in the visitors changing rooms, etc etc.
You've never been in the changing rooms at Goodison I presume? What you have described would be an upgrade 😂

There needs to be a campaign to abolish the PL institution. Then the clubs could set a new organisation with equal spending and distribution of coin to the lower leagues. The main enemy of this would be the arabs and other wealthy owners. But this is the problem with the UK , a few greedy people are raking in coin on behalf of chinese, arab and indian interests at the expense of the nation.
Maybe... alternatvely, you can continue to reduce the maximum allowance by 5M to 10M per year until you get to zero. That gives clubs plenty of time to budget and get themselves on a sustainable level. Natural growth of clubs is desirable and needed but reckless spending has to be stopped for the good of the teams, supporters and the competition. Something needs to be done to level the playing field though but trying to close that gate after some have already bolted is a difficult task.

I can't see a wage cap coming in as that was done away with in the Jimmy Hill days but clubs can decide they won't pay stupid wages and transfer fees.
They definitely need to find a way to cap wages , it’s by far the biggest drain / expense on the game.
Personally I am disgusted at the obscene amounts young men are getting paid for kicking a bag of wind . It’s utterly risible.
The players are metaphorically stealing from the supporters and it needs to be addressed
Nonsense. Refer me to the relevant rule. I am unaware of any PL rule which provides a mechanism or time frame for clubs suing each other.

If , big if , those clubs bring an action against Everton it will be in the High Court .

As someone who practiced in the Hight Court I can tell you such action will take a minimum of 3 years , probably closer to 5 years to resolve .

The three clubs are understood to be preparing a claim for £100m each based on the loss of Premier League income as all suffered relegated in seasons during which Everton have been found guilty of overspending, although such claims are seen as wildly optimistic. The amount of compensation to be paid would be decided by a second independent commission if they deem Everton to be liable.

Burnley, Leeds and Leicester have 28 days from Friday's judgement to formally lodge their claim, with the Premier League confident it will be heard before the end of the season, as will Everton's planned appeal against the 10-point punishment.
Luckily you are blameless in all this aren't you precious ? When you swear and call other Evertonians names as part of you're reasoned arguments you get it back.
For far too many on here.

Reasoned argument = Kopite
Lashing out wildly and abusing fellow blues = Proper Blue

Someone comes up with a reasoned argument. Then why debate or learn from it? Just lash out and bury your head further in the sand.

I am remembering why I stopped posting on here. There are far too many posters who revell in turning it into a cesspit.

The really sad part is that instead of seeing this judgment as a wake-up call far too many are seeing it as the best thing that has ever happened. The doom mongers like Dave are in their absolute element. It as if all his xmas's have come at once. He gets to post about the worst-case scenario with absolute glee.

Then we have the idiots who live for being irrationally angry about everything. The divvies who only go to Goodison to boo and protest. They get to lash out with the most bizarre conspiracy theories. I am waiting for the Premier League to be blamed for 5g masts, COVID, famine and wars. I look forward to the angry majority explaining what they did when the club went into administration. Don't worry son I ignored Moshiri and 777 and bought banners so I could protest against the Premier League for punishing us for something we did. That will teach them to mess with Everton.

When did our fanbase become so thick and so easily led. I truly despair.

When did our fan base rely on some whopper on social media instead of spending twenty minutes actually reading the judgement.

It isn't the Premier League, the big 6 or Liverpool that are destroying the club we all love but the likes of Moshiri and 777. As Nev put it the judgement has actually managed to bring the fans and the board together. God help us.

What sort of crap is this ?

The unforeseen loss of a major sponsor was a huge mitigating factor. 200 mil stadium naming rights plus all the other add ons & there's No breach.

Well publicised loss of transfer value of a player we couldn't play plus his huge wages until his contract expired.
These are just 2 that put us well within FFP/ P&S There are other mitigating factors if you choose to read about them.

Its not BS , its an Epic injustice.
Have you actually read the report?
Apparently on Tuesday their is a vote in the PL to increase prize money due to inflationary measures.

Yet the permitted loss has remained at 105m and static since the outset.

How is this right and can this be used to our advantage?
For far too many on here.

Reasoned argument = Kopite
Lashing out wildly and abusing fellow blues = Proper Blue

Someone comes up with a reasoned argument. Then why debate or learn from it? Just lash out and bury your head further in the sand.

I am remembering why I stopped posting on here. There are far too many posters who revell in turning it into a cesspit.

The really sad part is that instead of seeing this judgment as a wake-up call far too many are seeing it as the best thing that has ever happened. The doom mongers like Dave are in their absolute element. It as if all his xmas's have come at once. He gets to post about the worst-case scenario with absolute glee.

Then we have the idiots who live for being irrationally angry about everything. The divvies who only go to Goodison to boo and protest. They get to lash out with the most bizarre conspiracy theories. I am waiting for the Premier League to be blamed for 5g masts, COVID, famine and wars. I look forward to the angry majority explaining what they did when the club went into administration. Don't worry son I ignored Moshiri and 777 and bought banners so I could protest against the Premier League for punishing us for something we did. That will teach them to mess with Everton.

When did our fanbase become so thick and so easily led. I truly despair.

When did our fan base rely on some whopper on social media instead of spending twenty minutes actually reading the judgement.

It isn't the Premier League, the big 6 or Liverpool that are destroying the club we all love but the likes of Moshiri and 777. As Nev put it the judgement has actually managed to bring the fans and the board together. God help us.
To be fair, you are obviously a rs troll so your points are rendered invalid.
Said that myself Dave, I wish now they had got their own ish and their money and gone, we would have a much fairer league.

I'd go as far to say as we'd have a better league. The essence of English football sells. The so-called 'Super' League would be an absolute joke. How many senior players would that league take out of the talent pool? 600, tops, at any given time. They'd basically just have the same share as they have now. None of these clubs appear to be falling over themselves to buy the likes of John Mcginn, James Tarkowski, Ward Prowse, etc, etc. They also have a habit of buying players too 'late', for example, Celtic and Southampton buying the Thunderbird before the RS.

And how many of the worlds best 600 players could they actually get for that format? Some players would be happy to pocket more money sitting on the bench for a team that finishes tenth every season, but not every player would.

English football would still be the best, with many, many good players.

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