6 + 2 Point Deductions

...have you seen his stuff in the Current Affairs forum?.....


Ahh a Green party voter appears with a new idea...
Can't get my head around the "further points deduction" based on the new set of accounts.

How are teams supposed to get out that situation? The league wanting clubs to sell everyone they've got and not reinvest? Force them into relegation?

Like people have said, clubs may as well go into admin, clear the debts, start again rather than continue to fight fires.

We won't be the only club treading the line.

Top 6 though...don't have to worry about it.

Just find the whole thing ill conceived and executed.
Can't get my head around the "further points deduction" based on the new set of accounts.

How are teams supposed to get out that situation? The league wanting clubs to sell everyone they've got and not reinvest? Force them into relegation?

Like people have said, clubs may as well go into admin, clear the debts, start again rather than continue to fight fires.

We won't be the only club treading the line.

Top 6 though...don't have to worry about it.

Just find the whole thing ill conceived and executed.

It's been made up to suit the top six, richer clubs, to ensure they remain at the top, to ensure they share the trophies and quality for Europe and to ensure the bottom 13 or 14 clubs will scramble around to survive and remain in the Premier league...it has succeeded.
Do we really want to be bringing in large sums for gate money because that comes from our pockets?

Wouldn't mind too much if it was to watch a very functional team in and around silverware every season, but to watch the same crap weve been served up at almost double the price will gut wrenching.
Ticket prices in London are exponentially higher than ours. I don't want that to radically change.

Everton’s legal team will not make a strong enough case.

Everything about the club is amateur. Expect nothing back, then you won’t be disappointed.
I'm sure that I could represent the club and get a significant reduction on the deduction..
3 points
1.we were deducted points and not given a fine as we have a wealthy owner... this suggests to me that a fine was the first option that they looked at but ruled it out due to someone being rich.
2. The costs of pre planning were lumped into P&S mid process.
3. The previous panel weren't independent and had links to other clubs in the league who on the past broke rules and only ever got fined.

They probably dont, as we have a bit of prestige/fame with our history. Im sure they just want to show how tough they are by making an example of a big (but not rich) club. We tangibly and admitted broke the rules, so we are a perfect fit unfortunately.
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I would say have people lost their minds in this thread, but obviously they do every day lol. But how have some people come to the conclusion that Liverpool may move into BMD lol

That along with people defending Moshiri is the one thing I can’t look past and laugh off as “just a different opinion”. Sometimes people’s opinions are stupid and make zero sense and it needs calling out.
They really want us gone, don’t they.
Nah they don't want us gone. They (the PL) want to lay down a marker before a regulator comes in and starts interfering. This is them saying, look we can govern and regulate, nothing to see here government.

We are one of the founding members of the PL. We have been in the top league In England for zillions of years. We have won trophies. We have a huge fanbase. Located in one of the biggest cities in England with great heritage.

They would want us within the 20 clubs rather than a Swindon, Bradford, Portsmouth. Its all about £££
They really want us gone, don’t they.
But why?
How does it benefit the PL to run us into the ground.
I suspect high level politics could be behind it all.
The Anglo -iranian and the Russian connection.
But having said that , Arsenal and Chelsea have similar connections, but then they are in London.

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