And they employ James Pearce
Exact reason I refuse to subscribe. I will not pay for anything that employs that faeces stain.
And they employ James Pearce
People like you are the problem.
Paid for news.
Such a tory concept.
Dead mad you ladYou assume I pay for a sub.
The winning habit is more importantHaivng watched the PL2 team though, I've always felt they are set up to try and win any game no matter what, rather than developing the player. I'd rather our PL2 team finish mid-table and have the players learn and improve on their strengths, even if it isn't always working.
Yeah - they concentrate on overwritten poor man’s Norman Mailer stuffIf you're looking for clickbait insider nonsense or transfer rumors, don't pay for the Athletic. That is not and will not be what drives their stories.
The winning habit is more important
It is for the player whether they stay or go to another clubMeaningless when none of them are being prepped for first team.
Yeah - they concentrate on overwritten poor man’s Norman Mailer stuff
A reminder to not publish any articles from The Athletic.
It's a subscription site and they have quite rightly pulled us up over posts in this forum containing their articles.
Sadly warnings and bans to anyone who shares content to The Athletic.