Reidy's Bottle Of Grecian
The Unobstructed View
Sorry, I shouldn't have used the Jewish cap as an example as you just try to pointlessly counter. Ok.......necklaces. They have no real function. Lets ban them. And while we are at it, all socks that go past your ankle. That top bit really doesn't do anything does it. Oh and sunglasses.....those cover your eyes, and ball-caps, they cover your head, all security issues. [Poor language removed], you know what....lets just turn ourselves into a police state, enforce a mandatory curfew and shoot any criminals, no matter how small the crime, on sight.
Get over it and stop being xenophobic. The world isn't becoming Islamic any more than it was 20 years ago. They only things that change is perception.
But as arguing with a brick wall shows, me typing this out is kinda pointless, as I am not going to undo years of deep-seated upbringing.
can we not have a naked month to see how we all get along ? shed the shackles of oppression, where the only thing covering your modesty is your unshorn bush.