Bill Kenwright

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Thanks for that, probably right. However is it not with the benefit of hindsight? The question behind his statements at the time is did he know he was lying, or did he believe it to be true? Either way there are levels of incompetence involved, but if he believed it, he was not telling lies at the time. Semantics - probably!

The more apposite thing, is he should go and should have years ago. Personally I still blame the Moore's offspring for the state of Everton. Daddy died and his moronic sons toddled across the park, leaving us with Johnson and then Kenwright.

He stated at the time that the safety certificate was in imminent danger. This was a pure fabrication to reinforce the overall lie, as has long been proven. The safety cert was never under threat, then or since. The fella responsible for it refuted it completely. "The most accessible stadium in the country".... the transport plan for Kirkby was already in its multiple revised state when this claim was made. Including a clause that could've limited capacity because the planners were still unable to model the arrival/dispersal rates required. Park and ride disintegrated to park and walk, then to park and hike with crush loaded trains and multiple hour waiting times. The capacity might've even been capped at <40k. All known about and hidden at the time of the ballot. Stadium for practically nothing.... the total enabling package was just £12m from the retail partners and authorities.
That's before you get into Kings Docks, FSF, Vibrac, Samuelson, Philip Green.

I think John Moores always had a stake in both clubs. We got the 60s/early 70s slice. Looks like they got the rest, with Grantchester not as interested.
I never recovered from when he pretended he had the loot and failed to meet the final deadline. Embarrassing that was. That said, I don't go along with somel of the abuse he attracts on social media such as here.

I never recovered from when he pretended he had the loot and failed to meet the final deadline. Embarrassing that was. That said, I don't go along with somel of the abuse he attracts on social media such as here.
Most of the abuse (?) is connected to the lies he has told and the way he has run the multi million pound business in a corner shop way.
Anyone attending the fan advisory board meeting tonight ? Would of been nice to have it live streamed .
Why don't you just sign up to one of the zoom ones if you can't attend?

(I have signed up to Monday, hopefully by then lots will have come out from the previous meetings AND the protest has happened.)

Easier to prep for any objections from Kenwright plants he will have in situ.
Having sold the majority of his shares at a huge profit, his own profile being massively boosted by being 'Chairman' of a Premier League club for nearly 20 years and still having major influence in it, Bill Kenwright has had far far more out of Everton Football Club than Everton Football Club has ever had out of Bill Kenwright.
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I never recovered from when he pretended he had the loot and failed to meet the final deadline. Embarrassing that was. That said, I don't go along with somel of the abuse he attracts on social media such as here.
I haven't seen abuse on here, maybe I just missed it? Seems to me most have put forward reasoned arguments for him to step down, many have been doing it for years too tbf to them

He stated at the time that the safety certificate was in imminent danger. This was a pure fabrication to reinforce the overall lie, as has long been proven. The safety cert was never under threat, then or since. The fella responsible for it refuted it completely. "The most accessible stadium in the country".... the transport plan for Kirkby was already in its multiple revised state when this claim was made. Including a clause that could've limited capacity because the planners were still unable to model the arrival/dispersal rates required. Park and ride disintegrated to park and walk, then to park and hike with crush loaded trains and multiple hour waiting times. The capacity might've even been capped at <40k. All known about and hidden at the time of the ballot. Stadium for practically nothing.... the total enabling package was just £12m from the retail partners and authorities.
That's before you get into Kings Docks, FSF, Vibrac, Samuelson, Philip Green.

I think John Moores always had a stake in both clubs. We got the 60s/early 70s slice. Looks like they got the rest, with Grantchester not as interested.

Did Kenwright fund groups opposed to the earlier potential move to the lands on Kirkby Golf Course in the 90's or have I imagined that?
Have said this before, the FAB isn't worth a carrot. I believe the people who are on it, least most of them, have their hearts in the right place but all it is truthfully is a box-ticking exercise by the club. They have no power whatsoever to affect anything.

Nothing possibly changes until certain individuals are FORCED out of this club. Cosy meetings over zoom won't help achieve that.
Why don't you just sign up to one of the zoom ones if you can't attend?

(I have signed up to Monday, hopefully by then lots will have come out from the previous meetings AND the protest has happened.)

Easier to prep for any objections from Kenwright plants he will have in situ.

Yep will do

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