bloody toffeeweb!

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If anyone followed my post in toffeeweb, you can clearly see I am more towards the "Moyes out" camp.

However, he had won me over.
I still remember I had big doubts in him even after he took us to CL qualification. And was quite critical of him when he took us on a bad run the following season.

It took a long time for me to be convince but I'm much happier to see Everton actually trying their best to play a passing game(sometimes impressive build up play), though not as good as arsenal or barcelona, at least it's a big change and big improvement from the first few years he is in charge.

The team this season played much better than the one in the CL qualification season where we got to see boring 1-0 game which we didn't play much good football but end up finishing 4th.

There's a lot more I can add, but most probably have been mention by others and I won't bring it up again.

So I am glad to eat humble pie and give credit to his good work!

We need a couple of class players to bring us to the next level. Not a change of manager at this point of time! As Moyes had proven to me, at least, that he can deliver results which is pleasing to the eyes as well as bagging in pts at the same time.
Good post. I have to agree - our football this year has (in parts) been the best quality I've seen from an Everton team since HK1 and early CH. We have played immensely better than the year we finished fourth.
Agreed Axl and by the way, anyone still clamoring for Martin O'Neill?

I think Moyes is the manager to take us upwards and onwards. I'd shudder to think what might happen if we had someone new come in at this juncture.
As I said a few times over at TW, patience is the key for me in football (and in business generally) as you need continuity and belief in your plan to withstand any setbacks as it's far better to have gradual progress than booms/busts that inevitably occur when you start sacking managers who then have to start again.

Moyes sensibly worked on the defence first because we didn't have much money and a solid defence can hide limitations elsewhere on the pitch. Now he's had time and some money he's beginning to get the attack working better as well. If we can add a bit more quality in wide areas then I think we can push the likes of Arsenal and Liverpool really hard for that 4th spot next year.
I believe Moyes is doing a great job. He wanted patience as you cant build something if you cant afford the bricks. he has made the bricks. Yeah, he has made a few bad signings, but I think his good ones far out weigh them. Just need to capitalise on what we have now and cement our place in the top 6 and next season make a realistic charge at 3rd and 4th as a minimum target. If you dissect everything that Moyes says you can taste the ambition that radiates from him. I think the players are absorbing this now and are becoming a machine, not just a bunch of OK players. The heart they show is a good sign for the future. everything from AJ running tirelessly to Vaughan thumping the ground after being told he is getting subbed(apparently blood pissing from your foot is not a good enough reason to be subbed for young james, good lad, lol) the spirit and heart is everywhere to be seen,

Bring on UEFA. they ain't going to know what hit them.

Lets not over gloss things here, even DM admits to making mistakes but, as Bruce says, he has sensibly stuck to his game plan, with one or two natural modifications. I believe that we can still qualify for the CL but we are not ready yet so UEFA football is our best option as matters stand.

Just think back five years, what did our future hold then, not many expected to see such a return towards our expectations of glory over the intervening period, well done DM(y) (y) (y) :pint: :pint: :pint:
If we get in to Europe then I can't see how Bill can keep investors from breaking his door down. Good time to be a blue :)
when we make europe, Bills and the clubs profile will go up, as will media interest, the problem is vultures circling around arteta and lescott to name only two, moyes has implimented a fair wage cap at goodison allegedly, if a rat like paul stretford came in and said to lescott, "sign this deal and you will earn in 2 seasons what would would earn in 10 years at goodison" and so one of the G14 strikes again.

all the loyalty in the world would be in question if a move meant you could look after your immediate and extended family at the stroke of a pen.
Lets not over gloss things here, even DM admits to making mistakes but, as Bruce says, he has sensibly stuck to his game plan, with one or two natural modifications. I believe that we can still qualify for the CL but we are not ready yet so UEFA football is our best option as matters stand.

Just think back five years, what did our future hold then, not many expected to see such a return towards our expectations of glory over the intervening period, well done DM(y) (y) (y) :pint: :pint: :pint:

Well stated. (y)
Back to Suits post, yes that worries me as well come this summer with people like Stretford around. Always seemed to me that we usually had problems after players had been away on England duty so lets hope Lescott is not selected any time soon.

hello lads?
whats happened, turn me back for five minutes......
i don't know, tsk.
so whats happened then, why the big divide?

staveros didnt come back did he.....
Come on, lads

As someone else pointed out, it was a factual statement, nothing more, nothing less. We were there only on goal difference and Bolton were playing Wigan so there was every possibility that we wouldn't have held onto 5th.

Let's not let any bad blood that might exist over the TW Forum issues (which Michael and I are currently wading through) turn this into a petty, BlueKipper-vs-TW-style slagging match.

Yes, we may be guilty of negative, realistic, cynical -- call it what you will -- comments on the TW site (and I don't always agree with the stances taken by Michael or Colm on a given issue and vice versa, by the way) but at the end of the day I think that the criticism leveled at us is blown way out of proportion.

We love the club as much as anyone else on this or other Forums, we just see things a little differently. At least afford us some respect as fellow Blues, eh?


Lyndon (TW)
As someone else pointed out, it was a factual statement, nothing more, nothing less. We were there only on goal difference and Bolton were playing Wigan so there was every possibility that we wouldn't have held onto 5th.

Let's not let any bad blood that might exist over the TW Forum issues (which Michael and I are currently wading through) turn this into a petty, BlueKipper-vs-TW-style slagging match.

Yes, we may be guilty of negative, realistic, cynical -- call it what you will -- comments on the TW site (and I don't always agree with the stances taken by Michael or Colm on a given issue and vice versa, by the way) but at the end of the day I think that the criticism leveled at us is blown way out of proportion.

We love the club as much as anyone else on this or other Forums, we just see things a little differently. At least afford us some respect as fellow Blues, eh?


Lyndon (TW)

A huge amount of respect to you Lyndon, you have taken the time to register and make a well thought through and considered post as yours that i have quoted.

I say the following in the nicest possible way...

..."Let's not let any bad blood that might exist over the TW Forum issues (which Michael and I are currently wading through)"

Lyndon, you sir are the individual i have bumped ego's with the least, colm is a regular in the mailbag, and surely you cant be prepared to hang garry out to dry, i dont know how long you have all known each other, please do everyone the fair dignity, the individuals that run toffeeweb are in my opinion judged on their own merits and demerits, none of you are judged by association. I very much hope you all have an opinion, unless there is an angle im not aware of as yet.

With regards some of the comments the people (site owners/admins) have, i have always felt that at certtain points the toffeeweb agenda has been pushed, especially with the quips and one liners in the mailbag, i dont think its big, i dont think its clever, enforcing the last comment means a level of impartiality surely?

Like i say, Lyndon, you dont seem a bad guy, nor Colm or Michael - (most the time) i hold Garry in contempt, a small minded, vicious little swine, that couldnt come to terms with what numerous individuals pointed out. Thats a whole new level of going down with the ship.

(ps, didnt bolton play arsenal? and wigan play tottenham? that really threw me that) (and i am unsure as to any bluekipper vs toffeeweb rivalry, this is GrandOldTeam, and has no affiliation with either)

did my best at this time folks, hope i did ok.
Thanks for the reasoned reply, mate.

and surely you cant be prepared to hang garry out to dry

Garry's primary responsibility is managing the Forum and helps out in managing the busy Mailbag on occasion -- I mentioned Colm, Michael and myself because we're the primary Editors on TW.

With regards some of the comments the people (site owners/admins) have, i have always felt that at certtain points the toffeeweb agenda has been pushed, especially with the quips and one liners in the mailbag

I can't argue there. Where the Mailbag is concerned, you pretty much take your chances with Michael's mood :) and he'd probably be the first to admit it. And Colm is unapologetically passionate about the club and he has no qualms pointing out where he feels the Goodison hierarchy is not living up to their side of the bargain. Again, you can take it or leave it.

There is, however, supposed to be a clear division between pages like the Mailbag and the hard news reportage (i.e. our opinions and any agenda can be pushed in the Columns, responses to the Mailbag, etc and the news reporting should be more dry and neutral) but it doesn't always work out that way.

I hold Garry in contempt, a small minded, vicious little swine, that couldnt come to terms with what numerous individuals pointed out.

Like I said in my previous post, Michael and I are still trying to sort out what went on on the TW Forum. Garry has been a real help in recent months, first taking on the Forum admin when we couldn't and then hosting the main site's news database when our host's server ran into problems, and I don't want to cast any aspertions either way without knowing more details.

[/QUOTE](ps, didnt bolton play arsenal? and wigan play tottenham? that really threw me that)[/QUOTE]

The quoted sentence from our front page that started this thread was from Good Friday when we beat Fulham. Bolton played Wigan the next day.


If you want to know what happened in the forum Lyndon simply ask Danny, Dylan or me.

Garry likes power too much thats why he helps, sad but true.

The forum is his little toy and when everyone disagreed with him he turned around and refused to admit he was wrong and blamed everyone else.

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