bloody toffeeweb!

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Well I see that Lyndon has decided to side with Garry, I trust he does us the homour of producing feedback. I'm astonished by his claims regarding the forum mods when he clearly knew from day one that each and everyone had been enlisted over here and most acted as moderators here. Let the members decided for themselves the entire episode is tiresome, a bore. Toffeeweb has made its choice, it is one they'll regret because the autocratic tosser will react in similar vein if he indeed gets people to moderate for him in that place. As for his involvement, he wasn't known as t6he invisible man for nothing, bone idle git who left the work to others yet grabbed the glory himself.

My final; comment on this matter is to Lyndon, the truth will out lad but at present you've chosen to ignore it, 70 plus active members who made that forum are all wrong and your mate is right...........sad that really isn't it:sad:

We move on
Well I see that Lyndon has decided to side with Garry

It's not quite as simple as "taking sides" and I'm not choosing to ignore any "truth", Monty. Garry runs the TW Forum. He pays for it and he hosts it for us because, initially, our hosts's database server kept corrupting the database and then it just made sense because we simply don't have time to manage it ourselves.

He also helped us out big time in hosting the main site's news database when our hosts killed access to it for something that ultimately turned out to be their fault.

I'm trying to piece together what went on and while I can't ignore the number of criticisms of the decisions Garry took and I'm troubled by quotes like "I am God around here," it would be churlish of us to have cut him loose on the basis of events that we weren't privy to at the time.

I've never met him so can't vouch for him personally; I can only go on the service he has offered ToffeeWeb.

It seems that Monty and others can see no reconciliation with Garry and that's entirely up to them but I would like to see Garry extend the olive branch to the others and see if we can't put this behind us.

No one says you can't post on more than one forum and there's no reason why GoT can't co-exist alongside the TW Forum either.

Finally, not sure what you mean by "Feedback", Monty.


as i am online may i take up a couple of points.

the stakes are now that there is a line in the sand, i have pushed that agenda as much if not more than anyone. garry would need to extend an olive plantation to me for me to even consider being around him on a forum again - such is the depth of feeling i have against him for the problems he has enforced upon me. (i cant speak for anyone else, i suspect a few on this forum might not be very happy with garrys attitiude and behaviour)

I am not knocking garry for his efforts in providing a service to the toffeeweb website, however i dont believe that anyone providing such a service should be granted 'carte blanche' to act in that area (forum) unchecked and without consequence.

sadly garry has removed ALL the evidence on toffeeweb that would illustrate how bad the forum dynamic had become, i think i have some old stuff saved, but there is unl;ikely to be anything to check it against so i could be accused of fabricating certain quotes.

i am not suggesting cutting garry loose, what i would suggest is asking him directly via IM or PM did he EVER say "i am god round here" to anyone... thats a personal one of mine that i have remembered since last july/august.

ask garry if he actually called rob_japan a '[Poor language removed]' on his (garrys) forum, see if he actually admits it.

foul and abusive language i believe is one of the rules him and all the mods agreed on would be not permitted, WHY is it that garry is exempt?
and just for the record...

michael in the mailbag, parrotting 'results results, results'... its similar to the castigating of moyes with 'high efficiency football'.

yes blues want everton to succeed, and yes i can understand as supporters it is difficult for admin to remain impartial, but is it any coincidence that the majority of toffeeweb mailbag contributors are holding negative views?

read through it, balance the negatives out against the positives, then look at the admin/mod/owner feedbacks, nine times out of ten negative is heralded in one fashion or anothere as being on the money and nine times out of ten what little positivity that gets through is ridiculed in one fashion or another.

being one of the prominent everton fc fan sites surely means a level of impartiality and care for all opinions no matter how ridiculous compared with that of the admin/mod/owner.

just a thought, anyway.

It's not quite as simple as "taking sides" and I'm not choosing to ignore any "truth", Monty. Garry runs the TW Forum. He pays for it and he hosts it for us because, initially, our hosts's database server kept corrupting the database and then it just made sense because we simply don't have time to manage it ourselves.

He also helped us out big time in hosting the main site's news database when our hosts killed access to it for something that ultimately turned out to be their fault.

I'm trying to piece together what went on and while I can't ignore the number of criticisms of the decisions Garry took and I'm troubled by quotes like "I am God around here," it would be churlish of us to have cut him loose on the basis of events that we weren't privy to at the time.

I've never met him so can't vouch for him personally; I can only go on the service he has offered ToffeeWeb.

It seems that Monty and others can see no reconciliation with Garry and that's entirely up to them but I would like to see Garry extend the olive branch to the others and see if we can't put this behind us.

No one says you can't post on more than one forum and there's no reason why GoT can't co-exist alongside the TW Forum either.

Finally, not sure what you mean by "Feedback", Monty.



.Feedback is simply that Lyndon or should I have said 'keep us informed'

You say that myself and others 'can see no reconciliation with Garry' from my present perspective that is correct. Anyone who knows me will tell you I've been straight down the middle about this matter all along, that is the only way to be. I cannot reconcile with someone who threatens me for fun, addresses me in the terms he uses 'listen up you fuckers', distorts the truth by any means available, suggests a clique which he set up and goes as far to insult my intelligence at every turn. His clique point is laughable, who is he referring to Rob Japan and myself, anyone reading this will fall about laughing as Rob and I could hardly agree on the date, but we respect each other hence friend Garry doesn't even enter that league. Having said all that I was also the greatest supporter of wanting this forum to maintain its TW links thus ensuring a continuation of everyone's heritage, gosh I'm a bad person. I would quite willingly retire from both forums if Garry was prepared to do the same, but no he hasn't even got the moral fibre to come on here and apologise himself, he has you to run his messages for him.

You say it is not as simple as taking sides, it would be if you wanted it to be but no you show an admirable loyalty to someone who doesn't deserve it. I must say that your claims about the work he does is astonishing because he was never doing anything at the forum, Danny and Dylan did it all including paying part of the bills and providing equipment, possible your friend has failed to mention that, wouldn't surprise me.

I'm not a well person and to be honest I find this entire episode depressing, shameful to the Everton cause and an embarrassment to one and all. It seems that some will be welcomed back to TW with open arms, I am certain that I will not be one of those postee's as telling the truth offends 'he that must be obeyed' In the interest of harmony I'm prepared to pack in both forums for the sake of my health and for the sake of unity, I trust Garry has the bollocks to do the same, he wont because in his world they don't exist, he is a bully no more no less.

My offer by the way will remain on the table for as long as you like Lyndon, I trust it will be conveyed to the all seeing eye. It is my belief that the lads coming to this forum deserve better than this and I hope my offer helps lance the boil known as Garry.
From the Canadian "peacekeeper" viewpoint: Lyndon, I have never met anyone from these forums personally, and was abesnt from the TW forum during these events. But I can vouch for the fact that, through all his posts at TW (and now at GOT), montyblue has my utmost respect. I have never found his posts or opinions to be anything less than top quality. And the same goes for Dylan, and most of the others now involved with GOT.

I think you'll find the same sentiment amongst most of those who were regulars on the TW forum last year.
Let's not let any bad blood that might exist over the TW Forum issues (which Michael and I are currently wading through) turn this into a petty, BlueKipper-vs-TW-style slagging match.

Thanks for registering Lyndon, and that definitely wouldn't happen (y)

If you do find out why Garry banned me on your forums and has my rank title as "two faced" please let me know, because am well an truly baffled by it and he doesn't seem to want to give me the reason why :mellow: . Am sure others on here would actually vouch for the fact that I defended him publicly numours times on the forums, even when I didnt agree with him, simply because he was an admin, basically in the same way as you have quite rightly done in this thread. But am sure you can understand why I would just like to know out of curiosity why I have been banned without explanation after years of doing most of the donkey work on the forums.

Actually feel abit cheated by it. Ah well ay, someone give my "best member of staff" award to one of the other mods or admins. Oh wait...
Lyndon - Garry might have paid for things and continue to do, but is that worth your website getting a bad rep and a bad name... because lets face it that is exactly what he has done.

Any average person reading this thread will associate the forum with the site.

If you don't have time to maintain a forum yourself, then I would simply say don't have one, or just link to here because any forum controlled by old iron fist himself is not worth having.

As for something you said about Garry doing work... did he? as Danny said it was mostly done by other people.

The TW forum appears closed to me as a guest and my username/password isn't accepted to login.

Bruce, I have been unable to gain access for weeks mate. The site is up at present, people having posted today so it is presumably running. I just wonder, and I hope I'm wrong, that even you may have been found guilty, possibly by association with this site, then barred. I hope not mate because he really cannot afford to lose people like you, all this is such a shame.
From the Canadian "peacekeeper" viewpoint: Lyndon, I have never met anyone from these forums personally, and was abesnt from the TW forum during these events. But I can vouch for the fact that, through all his posts at TW (and now at GOT), montyblue has my utmost respect. I have never found his posts or opinions to be anything less than top quality. And the same goes for Dylan, and most of the others now involved with GOT.

I think you'll find the same sentiment amongst most of those who were regulars on the TW forum last year.

So many thanks my friend for that kind reassurance I feel somewhat embarrassed mate I really do.
Seems like things are back up now.

I'm pleased Bruce, even Garry wouldn't take it that far, or would he?:lol:

While you are over there could you find out what happened to the Toffeeeweb awards thread, remember the one where all the members voted in particular categories for their contempories and 10 awards were made. Garry decided that the awards would be made at the beginning of December last year, some how he was so disinterested that he just did nothing at all until Danny sorted it out some six weeks later. When he eventually came on site he raised the roof that the thing had been completed. I would have loved Lyndon to have read that thread, has it been lost in the site censors autocratic clean-up?
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Thank you CT, I appreciate that.

I don't really want to get involved in this, but, Lyndon, who do you think paid for the IPB software that the TW forum runs??

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