bloody toffeeweb!

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Love you Gaz you now an official member of the GOT brown sauce club mate, had to test the sauce first:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so so so glad you said brown sauce club and not brown star. you had chico sweating there for a bit.
Agree wholeheartedly with Bill and Latch, IMO never any doubt about shabba and I had disccussed this privately with Monty back on TW. We have now moved on and this is THE BOARD no ifs or buts.(y)
Feed back

Many thanks for the detailed viewpoints of what went on.

Lyndon, you are more than welcome mate and come back here and join in anytime rather than sit in the wings. However in view of the topic I think most on here would appreciate some feed back because TW does mean something to all of us and in these circumstances I believe we deserve that.(y)

have you seen this horse [Poor language removed]

garry said:
My rendition of events starts at this very birth of this forum. The initial members, mods and myself all agreed upon a set of rules. We agreed that, success or failure, this place wouldn't becoming a BK style 'members only' free for all. Unfortuately, a clique developed that I purposely distanced myself from. Being the senior members of this forum, some of the last standers very far too vocal about their dislike of a certain member. Although that member could be irritating, I never ever felt he was out to get a reaction nor cause any particular trouble.

As events transpired, the 'pressure group' leaned on me harder and harder to ban the member which I refused to do for two reasons:

1) He's done nothing wrong according to the rules of this forum.
2) The reason we use purchased board software and not free alternatives is for features like 'Ignore.' If a member has a particular problem using their maturity to simply bypass another members posts, they can choose not to display that members posts.

Unfortunately, certain members were unhappy with my refusal to 'do nothing'; despite me only enforcing the rules and ethos we all agreed upon. If we chose to moderate the mailbag in the same way we'd have very few posts indeed! Unfortunately a certain few chose to take their displeasure out on me personally which I have no problem with. I'm big enough and ugly enough to let any personal insults pass me by.

Due to this, and this forums (now resolved) unreliability over the past few weeks (which has caused the drop off in the number of posts) some senior members have decided to set up a new forum of their own, which currently has 70 total users compared to our 2,500. Although there are quite a number of posts over there, a lot of it is the BK style stuff we'd like to avoid anyway - and I'm sure the novelty won't be long in wearing off as there is no real driving force (like the 'nets busiest Everton fan site) feeding it.

The demotion of the moderating team was done on a case-by-case basis. Where I felt a moderators loyalties were split or compromised I have decided to demote to member status temporarily. That isn't to say that certain members (i.e. Dylan, Micknick, Welton Toffee) won't be offered the chance to moderate again - but given the current bad feeling I felt it prudent to remove any privileges which could be used to damage this forum should that moderator be so inclined. Where possible, I have contacted or am in the process of contacting those people to discuss and explain.

Other members have also had restrictions placed upon them based upon things they've said (here or elsewhere), rules they've broken (a certain mod PMing 32 members of this forum to join the other) and other factors. Lyndon's use of the word 'autocratic' was interesting as that is something this forum has never been. Most of the moderating was done by the moderating team and I just involved myself with the actual admin side of things. As I do pay for this place from my own pocket I do believe that I get the final say in what happens, excepting Michael and Lyndon. If and when I feel any member is a suitable moderator, he or she will be offered the opportunity.

I don't get personally involved in ANYTHING that happens here and make decisions based on facts, not feelings. TW have several things in the pipeline which should massively increase the traffic on this forum but let's not forget that we're nearing the end of the season, playing well, and there isn't a lot to post about other than the ground move. I have no doubt that the new season, transfer window and better promotion of this place from the main site will herald a busy year for this forum come August and we'll gather a whole new set of 'senior members.'

One more thing though - I hear a lot of the former senior members complaining about the lack of traffic over here. 90% of them still have full posting access so I invite them to come and post. If they have a particular problem with this place because of me then that's rather weak because I was also forum admin when, quote, 'the tw forum was the best everton forum online.'

That's my two cents on the subject anyway.

from the top...

'no wonder liverpool fans call us bitter' - keith shabs

'liverpool are playing with a swagger now... i think we will get beat in the derby - keith shabs

sorry garry, your EXCUSE doesnt cut it.

here is where it gets a little more in depth

according to the rules what did 'teddy' do that meant expulsion? AND whatever it was, couldnt the 'ignore' option have been trumpeted at the time

when i was 'teddy' and having expressed my disdain for the then england setup i had my so called privileges downgraded meaning my forum contributions were vetted by a mod and i had my private messaging option removed. I was informed of this via a pm i received from garry which started "im god round here...."

very dismissive, am i or anyone else expected to believe the lull on the TWF has been caused SOLEY by the connection and hosting problems???


GOT has over 100 members, currently 71 are classed active
of the 2500 members TWF supposedly has, how many of those accounts have been removed/expelled? and how many are classed active?

and the snide remark about BlueKipper type stuff does you no favours garry

as for where new members come from, why are there everton forums on the OS, or on kipper, or satis, or wsag.. after all they arent being fed by 'nets busiest Everton fan site'[/quote]

where you felt garry, exactly, how about what your mods felt dealing with a constantly pro-liverpool-fc forum member and all the complaints regular peasant members like myself made to them

whats more, i really like the fact you are in 'the process of contacting' former trusted individuals... bit late isnt it... and if you cared so much, why not listen in the first place

your TWF having never been "autocratic" is your opinion, but you get the last say there, and your judgement is final, its not as though you listened to the people you supposedly trusted, you 'distanced' yourself remember

90% ? is that ninety percent of this forums 100+ members or the 70 that are active? are you trying to recruit some individuals back garry? i wasnt a mod, my "privileges" have been removed and i have had no message from your good self. Do you have a "particular problem" with an individual like me because wouldnt that be "rather weak"?

maybe TWF was the best forum online, but then you took a more active roll, and it nose dived from there.

my personal favourite of yours garry came recently, rob_japan accused you of ruining your own forum and you responded by calling him a '[Poor language removed]'. At this point i joined in and asked

"leading by example garry?"

my input was removed, then the whole thread removed. covering your tracks so you avoid the intense focus of Lyndon and Colm and Michael.

a hypocrit and a liar and a cheat, enjoy your forum garry, your welcome to it.
I read it before mate but obviously didn't know the full extent of its meaning as I was not part of the set up for long enough. But judging by your responses and reaction then I guess Garry has hit new heights of egotism?
i dont know every angle, its just the manner in which he paints himself as a saint that really is the icing on the cake, he has taken the piss for a while, but now his bosses (the TW website owners) are looking into the issues and he is playing the martyr, whilst simultaneously removing all the evidence that would condemn him.

It is a shame that this problem has escalated and become this ball of issues we currently are in the middle of.
I will look into it a bit deeper if you want. One of their columnists is a drinking buddy of mine. will ask deep questions. should be fun.

dont do anything on my account, im just glad i can post what i think about the whole sordid affair and not have it altered or removed because it doesnt fall inline with 'herr garrys' view.


  • otto.webp
    2.5 KB · Views: 167
nah, I am doing it for my own information so I can insult the [Poor language removed] with educated information. Also as I am basically a [Poor language removed].(y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)
maintain the moral high ground, dont insult him, just pressurise and pry, when he fails to answer the cutting questions he will appear as guilty as he knows he is instantly.

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