bloody toffeeweb!

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hello lads?
whats happened, turn me back for five minutes......
i don't know, tsk.
so whats happened then, why the big divide?

staveros didnt come back did he.....

No, not Staveros Inertia just Garry mate. If you watch this space all will be revealed slowly but surely. Welcome to GOT where most now post, hey I've just created a motto:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (y)
I am not sure what has happened, but to lighten the mood I am having scrambled egg for breakfast. yummy.
As someone else pointed out, it was a factual statement, nothing more, nothing less. We were there only on goal difference and Bolton were playing Wigan so there was every possibility that we wouldn't have held onto 5th.

Let's not let any bad blood that might exist over the TW Forum issues (which Michael and I are currently wading through) turn this into a petty, BlueKipper-vs-TW-style slagging match.

Yes, we may be guilty of negative, realistic, cynical -- call it what you will -- comments on the TW site (and I don't always agree with the stances taken by Michael or Colm on a given issue and vice versa, by the way) but at the end of the day I think that the criticism leveled at us is blown way out of proportion.

We love the club as much as anyone else on this or other Forums, we just see things a little differently. At least afford us some respect as fellow Blues, eh?


Lyndon (TW)


Many thanks for having the decency to come here and post in this reasonable fashion, this type of approach from Toffeeweb management that has been sadly missing for months now. You will not know me although I was the second largest postee on Toffeewebs forum, a board senior and a life long Evertonian not noted for radical ideas. I spend more time on a sick bed than outdoors and treat the majority of people on these boards as my friends. I have not posted in your forum for months yet since I left my departing number of posts has in fact reduced due to censorship and manipulation by Garry, I have been barred from TW, possibly for postings I have made here.

My postings here refer to Garry, a guy who creates a seniors forum and then takes not a blind bit of notice of its desires, rather than that he addresses each and every one of us in the terms, and this was never intended in a humorous fashion "Right you fuckers listen up", his rant then went on to threaten each and every senior with expulsion from the forum if we dared disagree with him over a particular subject, a guy called keith-shabs who was deliberately [Poor language removed] stirring in the forum. Garry would rather ban blues from an Everton website than listen to reasoned debate. Most thought that postee to be a red, to me it didn't matter if he was a red or not his actions at upsetting everyone were deliberate. When he started taunting the more volatile seniors, who were then getting final warnings from the mods under Garry's orders any reasonable person found their position on that site to be untenable. I would think by now Garry will have done his best to eradicate all these posts, covering his trail as he goes, hence my reduction in posts.

Not one person wanted this, with the exception of Garry. Just stop and think, why the likes of Danny and Dylan, (who in all honesty ran that place anyway because Garry never turned up and when he did was just to throw his weight around), should to go to the time, expense and effort to create this place for the lads, fellow blues having put so much work into your forum. Why would he sack all of his mods, lose his largest postee's yet he still claims he is right, the guy is sad. My point is endorsed by the fact that nearly all of us here still wish to be connected in some way to TW dispite the treatment we have received at the hands of your so called fellow manager.

Garry is wholly responsible for these events, his all seeing eye being blinded by power. I trust that you can unravel events and if you wish to contact me it will have to be through this forum as I am barred from yours and Garry megalomania has caused him to suspend pm's there, that itself must give you reason for concern.

Just like Monty, you wont know me either, but i was also a senior member on TW.
For what it's worth here is my view of what happened on TW.

The day Keith Shabbs joined was the day it started to change, slowly but surely more and more members were getting more and more pissed off.

And this is the reason why ~

Now it's one thing to be a negative blue ( we all are to some extent on occasions ), but it's another matter alltogether when nearly all your posts ( Keith's ) are full of unfavourable comparisons with Liverpool, ( he never missed an opportunity, and why would he, he was a [Poor language removed] red wasn't he. ) be it about our players, history or achievment's.
And, and this is just as important, all this and not a single passionate, emotional, ' talking from the heart ' post about our team to be seen anywhere from him, not once did i see any out and out praise, pride or genuine love for Everton in any of keith's posts.
I said he was a red because no true blue would talk like that, he was there to bait and provoke, we took that bait and the rest is history.

The sad bit is, if he had been banned earlier, none of this would have happened, what the hell did Garry need as evidence, a photo of Keith in his [Poor language removed] shirt ?
No doubt, there's one out there somewhere.

Ps. Garry said we should just ignore keith's posts, i say to you, ' why should we ' ? It was after all, an Everton forum.

PPs. During one of my more alcahol fuelled passionate moments i finished a post with ~

' Everton till i die '

surprise surprise, within a day or so Keith had used it as his signature, nuff said.


I also noticed that garry has removed an awful lot of the TW forum content, namely a lot of threads and posts that serve to highlight what the problems were, his own hypocrisy, and show how little he did to resolve the issues. All in all he has removed the evidence that would condemn him, facist [Poor language removed]!
I've not posted on this topic until now. Man this is just sad. I remember when the TW forum was without question, the best Everton forum out there. One of the main reasons it was the top forum was the moderation and that opinions were allowed to be given freely without things degenerating into flaming. Sure there were disagreements but at the end of the day, most everyone knew where the line was and knew not to cross it. I'd say that 90% of the time, the civility and tone on the board was courteous towards fellow posters.

Now, it's a ghost town. There have been a total of 10 posts on there today. 10. It's unfortunate that it's come down to this.

I guess to anyone trying to look at this through an objective lens, I would say to look at where the activity is now and where all of the TW forum regulars currently post.

They post here, not on TW. So, it stands to reason that something is up on the TW side. If just one or two people left, then not a big deal. 5 to 10, then maybe something is up.

But when basically the whole board has left, or at least the regulars that were constantly posting, that screams volumes.

I only had one run in with Garry and that was over a year ago when I bumped a thread and a few people got bent out of shape about it. I was given a warning and told not to do it again (it was taken in the context that I was trying to stir things up when that was not my intention).

Other than that issue, no problems personally but it was obvious to me that when he felt that it was wise to keep a windup merchant like Shabs around as long as he did, that his judgement might have been a bit lacking while all others could see Shabs for what he was. I gave Shabs the benefit of the doubt for the longest time but then even I could see he was a red. Why Garry couldn't is beyond me. If he was a blue (doubtful), then he still should have been given a warning about the inflamatory nature of many of his posts and told to cool it. Fact remains though that no blue, no matter how objective they are about things, wouldn't have said many of the flat out bullshit things he said.

But when a moderator on any forum allows one divisive individual to stick around as long as Shabs was allowed, is it really any wonder that things started to disintegrate? I don't know if Shabs was a pal of his or if Garry was trying "too hard" to be fair but it backfired spectacularly. Any poster "stirring up the pot" whether intentionally or unintentionally is usually given a series of warnings before being banned. Shabs was allowed to stick around way too long and look at what we've go to show for it. The worst part about the whole deal is that members with some standing (i.e. people who's opinions were respected and dealt with all others in a civil manner) were the ones made to suffer. That doesn't compute.

Part of me still wishes that the TW forum would go back to what it was regarding activity and discussion but deep down, I think we've past the point of no return. I hope I'm wrong.

As far as GOT, I don't have any feelings one way or the other. I'm glad it's a place where I can "see" all of the old timers (and new ones). I'm still getting used to the board and the layout. Hopefully it'll grow on me over time.

Just my two cents.
Bill that was a brilliant post, i have nothing personal against Garry, ( how could i, i dont know him ) , but i have made my feeling known regarding his involvement in the TW fiasco.
One sentence struck a cord with me, you said that maybe ' Garry was trying ' too hard ' to be fair ', that thought actually occured to me as well, but like you also said, ' it backfired spectacularly.
Whether that was the case with Garry or if it was a case of bad judgement, ( Keith should have been banned a lot earlier ) it still remains that a once great Everton forum is a shadow of it's former self.

At the end of the day i take no pleasure from that.

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