Cahill's Celebration

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im three pages in and no one has said anything about stapley and his family and the effect on theirs and his life.

not one.

but theres plenty slinging mud my way.
He's entitled to voice his opinion though Sharpy, it's part of having a debate, if you don't agree with it don't read it. don't get wound up about it mate.

Its turned into a pointless argument thou....debate somthing yes, This dribble is just nonsence thou.

Dont worry not getting wound up, Just dont get SB angle on it thou.

Lets agree to move on.
Apologies if this has been posted previously:

The Stark Truth Of Cahill's Crime

The victim of Cahill's brother's assault is a personal friend of mine and my family.

Not only has he been left partially blinded as pointed out by the papers but he has also had his life ruined because of Cahill, who attacked him for the heinous crime of speaking to his girlfriend in a cab rank.

My friend doesn't have a bad bone in his body, has never been malicious towards anybody and used to be the life and soul of not just parties but anywhere he went. He has now become a complete recluse and has moved home to the best part of 200 miles away as he didn't feel safe in his home town.

When the news first came out in the press of Sean Cahill being sentenced all the headlines were 'Premier Star's Brother Arrested' etc which seemed unfair for the player to be brought into a matter that had nothing to do with him, but the actions of his brother.

If Tim Cahill is 'proud' that his brother has ruined the life and sight of someone so good natured for no reason at all and also finds the whole thing 'emotional but good' he deserves the association with such an a*sehole. How can the club deem this a personal matter when Cahill decides to air it in front of 40,000+ people? '(Cahill) will have weighed up the pros and cons and decided to do it because it was a personal and emotional matter'. Cahill surely would have known that this would have made the public press and would only serve to remind the victim what they had been through when they were hoping that the court case and resulting sentence means they could put this behind them and get on with his life. Obviously this didn't make it onto the 'cons' list of the ignorant sh*t.

Instead of dedicating the goal to his brother, why did he not think of the victim in the whole situation and dedicate to him as way of an apology for being not only related to, but 'proud' of such scum?

Intelligent and articulate? Unproven.

Idiotic, thoughtless, crass, stupid, insensitive and disillusioned? Definitely.

Steve Holmes, Kent
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While I have every sympathy for Steve Holmes' friend, I cannot condemn a man who clearly loves his brother, and feels sorrow for him. It would have been unnatural if he did not do so.

It was unwise to make a public show of it - but when emotion takes over, all but the heartless will have committed indiscretions at some time. And I am sure that includes those who are condemning Tim Cahill.

Let he that is without sin cast the first stone.

Apolgies if this has been posted previously:

The Stark Truth Of Cahill's Crime

The victim of Cahill's brother's assault is a personal friend of mine and my family.

Not only has he been left partially blinded as pointed out by the papers but he has also had his life ruined because of Cahill, who attacked him for the heinous crime of speaking to his girlfriend in a cab rank.

My friend doesn't have a bad bone in his body, has never been malicious towards anybody and used to be the life and soul of not just parties but anywhere he went. He has now become a complete recluse and has moved home to the best part of 200 miles away as he didn't feel safe in his home town.

When the news first came out in the press of Sean Cahill being sentenced all the headlines were 'Premier Star's Brother Arrested' etc which seemed unfair for the player to be brought into a matter that had nothing to do with him, but the actions of his brother.

If Tim Cahill is 'proud' that his brother has ruined the life and sight of someone so good natured for no reason at all and also finds the whole thing 'emotional but good' he deserves the association with such an a*sehole. How can the club deem this a personal matter when Cahill decides to air it in front of 40,000+ people? '(Cahill) will have weighed up the pros and cons and decided to do it because it was a personal and emotional matter'. Cahill surely would have known that this would have made the public press and would only serve to remind the victim what they had been through when they were hoping that the court case and resulting sentence means they could put this behind them and get on with his life. Obviously this didn't make it onto the 'cons' list of the ignorant sh*t.

Instead of dedicating the goal to his brother, why did he not think of the victim in the whole situation and dedicate to him as way of an apology for being not only related to, but 'proud' of such scum?

Intelligent and articulate? Unproven.

Idiotic, thoughtless, crass, stupid, insensitive and disillusioned? Definitely.

Steve Holmes, Kent

mate good post and i'm deeply sorry for the injuries your friends sustained, i'll give your words some weight since you seem a lot closer to this than most people posting about it.

what happened was horrible, and obviously it deserves punishment, but I still can understand how Cahill felt, seeing as how it was his own brother. people make mistakes, sean cahill made a horrible one and one that he is now paying for, but if one of my siblings did something like that i wouldn't see it as cause to disown him completely. despite the seriousness of his offense, i can understand why Cahill would still be proud of whatever he knows about his brothers character that occurred for 99.999% of his life save for that one night (i'm kinda speculating here, but judging by tim's reaction there's gotta be something there).

at any rate, my first reaction if i were in his place wouldn't be dedicating the goal to the victim, particularly because his brother still claims innocence, and without any care from those on the outside, making it through a 6 year prison term would be no picnic.

i feel your claims about tim are a little harsh, he's very close to this incident just as you are. you naturally side with your friend who is suffering immeasurably now, tim sides with his brother who is also suffering, even though as you say it was his own fault. if anything i'm proud of tim for sending a signal to someone he cares about, regardless of what they did, and having the courage to do so in a public forum and share the consequences. i'm sorry if seeing that was painful for your friend, but did he honestly expect tim to be all smiles and giggles about his brother being sent to prison, i'd say if he feels strongly about it its an understandable reaction.

I know i know i said i was done talking about this, and this is for real my last post on this topic scouts honour.

Suits, your 4 exhibits labeled with letters all fancy-like are very impressive, you sure do spend a lot of time discussing something that in its core isn't very football related, enough time to come up with 4 exhibits and vague explanations after each one as though you've actually proven something. I know i've spent a lot of time too, but your posts sort of egged me on a little bit, and as i'm a big fan of cahill's i don't like it when he comes under criticism like this.

are you [Poor language removed] kidding me noone said anything about stapely and his family?? as i said before, i think its obvious we feel bad for him for getting partially blinded, i believe i even noted you don't need to keep spouting that we already understand it, but this is a football forum where we were discussing the goal celebration of a football player, not the stapely family forum. i know i threw in somewhere a long the way i'm sorry for what happened to him so don't act like everyone is ignoring the victim altogether, we've obviously considered him.

suits, i think we might actually be arguing for the same thing in a way, you seem to think we've looked at this too much from cahill's perspective, and we think you've looked at it too much from the victim's perspective, essentially we're both arguing for that middle ground. lets just agree that what sean cahill did was wrong, but cahill is allowed to celebrate his goals however he wants as long as it isn't obscene or anything.

whatever i say you're probably not going to be convinced, so I'm with sharpy's top lip lets agree to disagree and move on.
Apologies if this has been posted previously:

The Stark Truth Of Cahill's Crime

The victim of Cahill's brother's assault is a personal friend of mine and my family.

Not only has he been left partially blinded as pointed out by the papers but he has also had his life ruined because of Cahill, who attacked him for the heinous crime of speaking to his girlfriend in a cab rank.

My friend doesn't have a bad bone in his body, has never been malicious towards anybody and used to be the life and soul of not just parties but anywhere he went. He has now become a complete recluse and has moved home to the best part of 200 miles away as he didn't feel safe in his home town.

When the news first came out in the press of Sean Cahill being sentenced all the headlines were 'Premier Star's Brother Arrested' etc which seemed unfair for the player to be brought into a matter that had nothing to do with him, but the actions of his brother.

If Tim Cahill is 'proud' that his brother has ruined the life and sight of someone so good natured for no reason at all and also finds the whole thing 'emotional but good' he deserves the association with such an a*sehole. How can the club deem this a personal matter when Cahill decides to air it in front of 40,000+ people? '(Cahill) will have weighed up the pros and cons and decided to do it because it was a personal and emotional matter'. Cahill surely would have known that this would have made the public press and would only serve to remind the victim what they had been through when they were hoping that the court case and resulting sentence means they could put this behind them and get on with his life. Obviously this didn't make it onto the 'cons' list of the ignorant sh*t.

Instead of dedicating the goal to his brother, why did he not think of the victim in the whole situation and dedicate to him as way of an apology for being not only related to, but 'proud' of such scum?

Intelligent and articulate? Unproven.

Idiotic, thoughtless, crass, stupid, insensitive and disillusioned? Definitely.

Steve Holmes, Kent

Good post. Very sorry about that guy. Cahill's brother is a [Poor language removed] ****. It now seems disgraceful, that celebration, to be honest. Yes, it's his brother, but what about the victim?
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Apologies if this has been posted previously:

The Stark Truth Of Cahill's Crime

The victim of Cahill's brother's assault is a personal friend of mine and my family.

Not only has he been left partially blinded as pointed out by the papers but he has also had his life ruined because of Cahill, who attacked him for the heinous crime of speaking to his girlfriend in a cab rank.

My friend doesn't have a bad bone in his body, has never been malicious towards anybody and used to be the life and soul of not just parties but anywhere he went. He has now become a complete recluse and has moved home to the best part of 200 miles away as he didn't feel safe in his home town.

When the news first came out in the press of Sean Cahill being sentenced all the headlines were 'Premier Star's Brother Arrested' etc which seemed unfair for the player to be brought into a matter that had nothing to do with him, but the actions of his brother.

If Tim Cahill is 'proud' that his brother has ruined the life and sight of someone so good natured for no reason at all and also finds the whole thing 'emotional but good' he deserves the association with such an a*sehole. How can the club deem this a personal matter when Cahill decides to air it in front of 40,000+ people? '(Cahill) will have weighed up the pros and cons and decided to do it because it was a personal and emotional matter'. Cahill surely would have known that this would have made the public press and would only serve to remind the victim what they had been through when they were hoping that the court case and resulting sentence means they could put this behind them and get on with his life. Obviously this didn't make it onto the 'cons' list of the ignorant sh*t.

Instead of dedicating the goal to his brother, why did he not think of the victim in the whole situation and dedicate to him as way of an apology for being not only related to, but 'proud' of such scum?

Intelligent and articulate? Unproven.

Idiotic, thoughtless, crass, stupid, insensitive and disillusioned? Definitely.

Steve Holmes, Kent

this has made the first letter on football365!

cahill is being put through the wringers over this one!

ps. good to see you posting ilgriff. did you like my hot air balloon vid on you tube?? :)
While I have every sympathy for Steve Holmes' friend, I cannot condemn a man who clearly loves his brother, and feels sorrow for him. It would have been unnatural if he did not do so.

It was unwise to make a public show of it - but when emotion takes over, all but the heartless will have committed indiscretions at some time. And I am sure that includes those who are condemning Tim Cahill.

Let he that is without sin cast the first stone.

Welcome Frank, I completely agree with your post mate, it is a pity others want to make more out of this issue than it warrants. I would also like to know how people are so sure that Tim has not been in touch with the victims family as mentioned way back in this thread but ignored by many. I'm also staggered to think that his actions could be described as 'being proud of his brother' there is a gulf a mile wise between proud and concern, to think his was the former is doing him and his brothers victim a huge disservice. His guilt is simply a lack of judgement no more and no less.
suits, i think we might actually be arguing for the same thing in a way, you seem to think we've looked at this too much from cahill's perspective, and we think you've looked at it too much from the victim's perspective, essentially we're both arguing for that middle ground. lets just agree that what sean cahill did was wrong, but cahill is allowed to celebrate his goals however he wants as long as it isn't obscene or anything.

whatever i say you're probably not going to be convinced, so I'm with sharpy's top lip lets agree to disagree and move on.

i wasnt having a go at tim, he can do what he likes on the pitch. im sure i said that already.

my concern was the reaction of this board, that initially didnt even acknowledge that a man had been seriously harmed in a purposeful and callous attack.

It has just been announced on SSN that Tim Cahill has issued an apology if any offence was caused by his goal celebration on Sunday. Big lad and a big heart
I hope the victim can get on with his life. A 6 year sentence does seem to imply that this was more than just a little scrap.

I hope the victim can get on with his life. A 6 year sentence does seem to imply that this was more than just a little scrap.


So tell me why Timmy can't get on with his, the thread is about him and his actions for which he has now apologised. No person in their right mind would wish to condemn the victim in anyway, feel sorry for him of course, even condemn Tims brother yes, but many of those playing God could well have done similar for their own brother I would have done as a spare of the moment thing
So tell me why Timmy can't get on with his, the thread is about him and his actions for which he has now apologised. No person in their right mind would wish to condemn the victim in anyway, feel sorry for him of course, even condemn Tims brother yes, but many of those playing God could well have done similar for their own brother I would have done as a spare of the moment thing

It's not Tim's fault. Who said it was? The celebration was ill-judged under the circumstances. However, there is no evidence to suggest Tim condones his brothers actions. Nor is it wrong for him to support his brother outside of his capacity as an Everton player.

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