Cahill's Celebration

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Give over suits,

I don't think he thought I know what I'll do, I'll dedicate this celebration to my brother. Just to [Poor language removed] the victim's family.

i dont recall making that allegation.

Just because his brother attacked someone doesn't mean Tim shouldn't let his brother know he's thinking about him. He was clearly emotional and probably didn't think it through properly.

thats fine, i have no problem with the celebration or him thinking about whatever he likes. the issue i have is that some only see cahills brother as the victim, which he is clearly not. the guy with one less eye is the person where the thoughts and prayers are due. but no, tim plays for us so his brother is automatically a saint.


At the end of the day, Tim himself didn't mean to offend anyone with his celebration and that is how it should be taken.

all you have to do is condemn the **** head for twice kicking a defenceless person in the face resulting in partial blindness.

it really is easy. ''hes a coward and deserves his prison time''.
all you have to do is condemn the **** head for twice kicking a defenceless person in the face resulting in partial blindness.

it really is easy. ''hes a coward and deserves his prison time''.

I agree with you, do the crime do the time. But if Tim wants to dedicate a celebration to his brother then I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed too.

I know you've not said he shouldn't be allowed too. I'm just adding my bit to the arguement. I see no harm in Tim showing support for a family member in the way he's doing.

Having said that I do not condone the actions of his brother and he is definitely not a saint.
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thats fine, i have no problem with the celebration or him thinking about whatever he likes. the issue i have is that some only see cahills brother as the victim, which he is clearly not. the guy with one less eye is the person where the thoughts and prayers are due. but no, tim plays for us so his brother is automatically a saint.

Who only sees Cahills brother as the victim? And who said his brother is a saint just because Tim plays for Everton?
earlier in the thread the inability to condemn and the sheer excuse making for the thug was in a lot of posts.

no one used the word 'saint' i used that word to encapsulate the numerous defenders of him.

and yet again, your here questioning me. keep this up and tongues might wag.
earlier in the thread the inability to condemn and the sheer excuse making for the thug was in a lot of posts.

no one used the word 'saint' i used that word to encapsulate the numerous defenders of him.

and yet again, your here questioning me. keep this up and tongues might wag.

the issue i have is that some only see cahills brother as the victim,

Not who has "the inability to condemn" but who sees Sean Cahill as the only victim? Some people attempted to see the whole picture and see things from different angles but i didn't see anyone saying Sean Cahill is the only victim. Which you stated they did.

Where are the numerous defenders of Sean Cahill and his crime? I havent read anything that could possibly indicate someone believing him to be a saint. Care to post some quotes to back up your use of the word saint.

Maybe you just post stuff which needs questioning? And is being done so by me after you bought my name into this thread i might add.

Let the tongues wag, i've nothing to fear :)

earlier in the thread the inability to condemn and the sheer excuse making for the thug was in a lot of posts.

no one used the word 'saint' i used that word to encapsulate the numerous defenders of him.

and yet again, your here questioning me. keep this up and tongues might wag.

noone is defending his brother, or atleast i'm not! i'm defending tim cahill after you indirectly criticized him, saying that he should disown his brother (implying that you disapproved of him dedicating the celebration to him). my only problem with this whole thing is that you're seeing this completely black and white, from what's been reported it seems both parties were at fault, no need to keep appealing to emotions, we [Poor language removed] get it he can't see well anymore no need to keep bringing it up.

this is going around in circles, i'm done with it.
why talk [Poor language removed] about an incident you didn't witness?
your assessment may be quite accurate, but for all we know his claim of innocence may be accurate - we weren't there so none of us know.

see the bit with ''incident you didn't witness?"

wheres the taking to task of the person or persons making claims about both parties being guilty/involved in bad behaviour?
still chatting [Poor language removed], eh?
i'm not defending him for the same reason i don't condemn - i wasn't there so i don't know what happened - were you?
it's nothing to do with sides - you don't know who the victim was a victim of.

exhibit c (3)

FFS suits give it a rest. You dont half spout some [Poor language removed] somtimes.

Hope to god one of your family dont get caught up in a fight in a pub or somthing.

You'd probably give evedence against them!!

Cahill can do what the fukk he wants.....regadless!!

MODS-----lock this [Poor language removed].
dennis stevens is right none of us know what happen for sure, and if people don't have a lot of faith in justice being served, then yes they do try to flee. Suits you may be 100% correct, but none of us know that unless we actually saw it.

at any rate, have a little respect for the cahill family, Tim probably doesn't know what happened for sure either, but I'm sure it'd be hard on him to have his brother go to prison, whether or not he did it.

thats just purest gold.

"if people don't have a lot of faith in justice being served, then yes they do try to flee."

love that one, what about guilty scum fleeing? not even a hint of it.

"have a little respect for the cahill family"

and what of respect to the bloke blinded in one eye and his family? not a hint of it.
FFS suits give it a rest. You dont half spout some [Poor language removed] somtimes.

Hope to god one of your family dont get caught up in a fight in a pub or somthing.

You'd probably give evedence against them!!

Cahill can do what the fukk he wants.....regadless!!

MODS-----lock this [Poor language removed].

He's entitled to voice his opinion though Sharpy, it's part of having a debate, if you don't agree with it don't read it. don't get wound up about it mate.
wow! are you a qc?
it says all this in the "gloucester advocate" does it? thank goodness you have such faith in our judicial system, otherwise we could just run trials via the sun instead of in court, or maybe on here as your trying to do now. anyway, to indulge you in this bizarre & ridiculous game for a moment, maybe it's just me, but if there's a fight going on & some poor chap is down on the floor having been kicked in the head a few times it doesn't seem entirely amazing that bits of him are found on the footwear of others fighting around him. are you going to call any witnesses for the prosecution now?

look at the excuse making here, anything to justify it.

its shocking, im just waiting for...

''it was a wall in an old stadium''

''it was the polices fault''

''he was in bed, me and 30 others checked on him to make sure''

''why have it in athens? of course fans will go and do anything to get in''

get a grip.

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