I started around 13/14 much more common back then. Must have tried to stop 123,456 times. Always managed a few weeks/months then fell back into it. Drinking always does it for me, few beers and I’m screwed. These days I rarely go out which helps but been a heavy weed smoker for years, also making it very difficult to properly stop. Nothing better than a beer and a joint, it’ll always be my weakness.
I am 2 weeks into my latest attempt. This time feels different, think I’ll always have a couple if I go out to the pub but that happens about twice a year now. I don’t trust vapes so haven’t used them, always seemed worse than fags to me. Really burns the throat so left them alone.
Baccy is horrid stuff really I wish I’d never gone anywhere near it. I was 3 when I lost my Grandad when he was 63. Fortunately I’ve always expercised a lot in amongst it, did a lot of fell running while my knees and ankles allowed so hoping that offset the smoking a bit.
Im 43 now so feel I’m at a bit of a crossroads, still young enough to get away with it I’m hoping.