Computer games.

I'm a big fan of Alanah but it's patently false. People get blacklisted for bad reviews, it's been proven multiple times before – it isn't a brand-new revelation
Probably true for some publishers but she says Sony have never done that (Go to 8:04), only for breaking embargoes.
See, statements like that are trash.

" anyone says different is selling something. "

Yeah, you don't like it, don't you think it conceivable, that someone, somewhere actually likes and enjoys the game? The internet is so ridiculously best/worst thing ever these days......
Feels like typical gaming bandwagoning.
Wasn't a huge fan of the original and doubt this will be for me, but know plenty of people who loved the original. My brother is currently playing through TLOU2 and says it's great so far. I'd trust his opinion over some faceless knee-jerkers on the internet tbh.

Same happened with Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Not the greatest game for sure, but nowhere near as bad as the reviews and outcry would suggest at the time.
It's like it's cool or edgy to hate on certain games these days.
Not true. A former video game journo for IGN and others who now has her own YouTube channel debunked that in this video:

It's absolutely true that games companies blacklist "unreliable" outlets. Games reviews are notoriously corrupt.

Google Driv3rgate, Jeff Gerstmann with Kane & Lynch etc.

They aren't "paid" reviews as such, but there is an implicit understanding that you don't annoy big studios unless the game is undefendably bad.

With TLOU2, there's probably a bit of that going on but mostly I think it's a disconnect with game critics desperate to view their medium as art and the majority of gamers who are adverse to the slightest bit of change as they're mostly teenagers.
I'm playing LOU2 through. I'm a fair bit in. It's not a patch on the first game. That's just fact. It's very heavy on lesbian relationships. Some think that's good some don't. I spent £55 notes on a preorder. Loved the first game and that's why I did it. If I had my time over I'd wait for the second hand shops to fill up with it and get it for half the price.
I’m about half way through. It’s fine. I’ll complete it, trade it in and that’ll be that. In terms of PS4’s greats I wouldn’t put it up there, but it’s not a bad game. I’d give it a 7/10. The story and pacing are a bit off, but in a way I respect them for trying something different. I mean I hated some of the sorry beats but I’m not going to trash the game because of it.

I do wonder how some discussions went though. Joel’s storyline is errr interesting.... Would love to know the inside scoop on the creative process and decisions that were made as they haven’t taken any easy routes.

Wouldn't say it's junk as such - it just seems bang average. A 7/10 thing.

Dunno, maybe playing it is different, but I've watched a few streamers and they all look frustrated. Like they went in expecting the game of the PS4 generation and ended up with a middle of the road affair.

Will you please start playing a game before rating it. I’m not having another Death Stranding.
Started playing some game called 7 Days to Die and jeysus I can't tell whats going on.

You start nude running around some dodgy map having to find stuff and make stuff and then you just get eaten by Zombies and lose everything you've just done but end up somewhere else on the map nude again.

Seems like no matter the approach you just get eaten by Zombies. Try tomahawk the hell out of em. Dead. Shoot em? Dead. Sneak around using stealth and slowly gather loads of stuff? Dead.
Will you please start playing a game before rating it. I’m not having another Death Stranding.

Ive played thousands since the ZX Spectrum mate, I own thousands with a backlog of hundreds to get through - it's rare I buy a game on release, hence why I watch a few of the more interesting ones instead.

I can get a very good feel for whether a game is for me that way. The original I watched before buying for example - could tell it was great.

The only games you can't are like sports titles where you need to control to understand the weight of it. Modern games generally are cinematic though and you can get 90% of the experience watching them.

That said, I'm not reviewing it - I'm saying what it looks like. Perhaps miraculously it's totally different playing it, but I massively doubt it.

Oh, and I played an hour or so of Death Stranding - pile of crap.

See, statements like that are trash.

" anyone says different is selling something. "

Yeah, you don't like it, don't you think it conceivable, that someone, somewhere actually likes and enjoys the game? The internet is so ridiculously best/worst thing ever these days......
It's all very childish
See, statements like that are trash.

" anyone says different is selling something. "

Yeah, you don't like it, don't you think it conceivable, that someone, somewhere actually likes and enjoys the game? The internet is so ridiculously best/worst thing ever these days......
Agreed. Sweeping statements like that are never useful in any context. Unprofessional from him if he is a gaming reviewer.

I don’t think even TLOU2 is bad, but I did find it very fishy that at one point 44 out of the 50 critic reviews are perfect scores. Some are likely either a bit biased (which is fine honestly), or they felt inclined to give it a higher score for whatever reason. It was much weaker narratively than the first (which I wasn’t even crazy about to begin with).
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Bought Doom Eternal now it's dropped to under £30. Have played about an hour so far, and it's good but a bit samey, even in its early stages... plus I'm continually running out of ammo, which doesn't make it any easier. But I've hardly played any games throughout lockdown, so it's quite good to get back into it a bit with a decent pick up & play game.
Bought Doom Eternal now it's dropped to under £30. Have played about an hour so far, and it's good but a bit samey, even in its early stages... plus I'm continually running out of ammo, which doesn't make it any easier. But I've hardly played any games throughout lockdown, so it's quite good to get back into it a bit with a decent pick up & play game.
I struggled with it too. Clearly an incredibly well made game but a style of game I'm not used to and I didn't really enjoy. It's so intense and you never really get a second to breathe. I ended up playing it on the second easiest setting and still found myself often out of ammo and just trying to run away. I'm used to being able to use cover in first person shooters but that just doesn't exist in Doom.

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