Computer games.

Quite clearly massive review bombing. Just had a look and TLOU2 already has nearly 15,000 user reviews. As a comparison Red Dead 2 has 10,000. No spoilers in this article and it sums it up pretty well.

For some context, The Last of Us Part 2 has been out for exactly seven and a half hours in the US. In some regions like Australia, it debuted late yesterday. But it’s a 25-30 hour game, so unless people are doing blitzing speed runs and then immediately going to Metacritic to post angry 0/10 reviews, these scores are made up of people who are either only a few hours into the game, or more than likely, have not purchased or played the game at all yet.
I think I am getting it tomorrow.
Quite clearly massive review bombing. Just had a look and TLOU2 already has nearly 15,000 user reviews. As a comparison Red Dead 2 has 10,000. No spoilers in this article and it sums it up pretty well.

For some context, The Last of Us Part 2 has been out for exactly seven and a half hours in the US. In some regions like Australia, it debuted late yesterday. But it’s a 25-30 hour game, so unless people are doing blitzing speed runs and then immediately going to Metacritic to post angry 0/10 reviews, these scores are made up of people who are either only a few hours into the game, or more than likely, have not purchased or played the game at all yet.

Been watching streams of it. It's not a patch on the original IMO. It's like a low effort fan fiction for a story.

Extremely violent though. More so than the original, but with palpably less tension.

Oh, and the characters now suck. Polar opposite of the first.
so TLOU2 is genuinely junk then@Wizard

Wouldn't say it's junk as such - it just seems bang average. A 7/10 thing.

Dunno, maybe playing it is different, but I've watched a few streamers and they all look frustrated. Like they went in expecting the game of the PS4 generation and ended up with a middle of the road affair.

Wouldn't say it's junk as such - it just seems bang average. A 7/10 thing.

Dunno, maybe playing it is different, but I've watched a few streamers and they all look frustrated. Like they went in expecting the game of the PS4 generation and ended up with a middle of the road affair.

It's no FF7:Re
Played it for a couple hours today with a mate, the gameplay is really solid and the atmospheres great.

Can’t comment on the story though as we just skipped through it all as neither of us give a toss about storytelling in video games.

maybe something from Angry Joe, before I purchase it.
Angry Joe is a bellend of the highest order.
A knee jerk reactionist who spends more time making his b-movie 'zany' review video's than he does actually playing the games.

That's the big problem with most of the Youtube 'celebrity' game reviewers like Angry Joe, Zero Punctuation, Jim Sterling, Mac (WorthABuy)
Yes, they can be entertaining, but they have to prioritise what they think their their fanbase want and keep 'in character' to keep the view counts up. So their reviews are tainted from the start.
so TLOU2 is genuinely junk then@Wizard
Well it completely depends on your opinion of the first one. In every technical sense it is better than the first as they have built on what I thought was an amazing game and made it better. Combat is better, stealth is better, AI is better and more challenging. It is less linear than the first (although still linear in general). Whether you like the story or not is subjective, as with any game. I'm only roughly half way through and currently think the story is great and builds well on the first one. Maybe that will change by the end but I will let you know.

Wouldn't say it's junk as such - it just seems bang average. A 7/10 thing.

Dunno, maybe playing it is different, but I've watched a few streamers and they all look frustrated. Like they went in expecting the game of the PS4 generation and ended up with a middle of the road affair.
I genuinely don't think you can judge this style of game based on watching others streaming it. So much of what it make it great is the way you feel while playing it.

If you criticise it, you a right-wing virgin – apparently.

Also, reviewers have been blacklisted by Sony for not showing it in a positive light. Ah, the video game industry.
My entire point since this has been released is that people are rating it before even playing it and therefore their opinions don't matter. I don't know how someone can make judgements on something based on the opinions of people that haven't played the game (or seen a film, or listened to an album etc.)
If you criticise it, you a right-wing virgin – apparently.

Also, reviewers have been blacklisted by Sony for not showing it in a positive light. Ah, the video game industry.
Not true. A former video game journo for IGN and others who now has her own YouTube channel debunked that in this video:

Also, check the amount of unpublished reviews on Metacritic. Not many good ones.

See, statements like that are trash.

" anyone says different is selling something. "

Yeah, you don't like it, don't you think it conceivable, that someone, somewhere actually likes and enjoys the game? The internet is so ridiculously best/worst thing ever these days......

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