Computer games.

Possibly my favourite bit in the game is in the Tunnels section. When you come to a room full of red light with WLF and infected. Hiding in a train carriage and tossing a brick into the middle so all hell breaks loose with the clickers coming after the WLF. Then tossing a molotov at a big group of them in the middle. Such amazing level design and the look of it is unbelievable

haven’t got there yet. But don’t worry I’ve been spoiled on the game. What do ye make of all the hate it’s getting?
haven’t got there yet. But don’t worry I’ve been spoiled on the game. What do ye make of all the hate it’s getting?
Oh sorry. It’s not really a spoiler anyway, pretty short section, just a great example of how good it can be.

On the hate, I’m split. Have no issue with people that have played it and don’t like the story or think it’s too long. Can completely understand those points of view.

The people that annoy me are the ones who have clearly made up their mind before it even came out based on the leaks (talking about the internet in general, not specifically on here). And the people that have played it with seemingly an intention to hate it. People who claimed they loved the first one but don’t like the gameplay in this one. Which is a ridiculous argument as this one is the same as the first but it just improves on every aspect of the gameplay.

I can’t remember who it was on here that said it, but if you put the story of the first one with the gameplay and build of this one, you’d probably be looking at the best game ever. Whoever it was I completely agree.
Oh sorry. It’s not really a spoiler anyway, pretty short section, just a great example of how good it can be.

On the hate, I’m split. Have no issue with people that have played it and don’t like the story or think it’s too long. Can completely understand those points of view.

The people that annoy me are the ones who have clearly made up their mind before it even came out based on the leaks (talking about the internet in general, not specifically on here). And the people that have played it with seemingly an intention to hate it. People who claimed they loved the first one but don’t like the gameplay in this one. Which is a ridiculous argument as this one is the same as the first but it just improves on every aspect of the gameplay.

I can’t remember who it was on here that said it, but if you put the story of the first one with the gameplay and build of this one, you’d probably be looking at the best game ever. Whoever it was I completely agree.

Agree on all. Take a few disagreeable plot points away and it’s just an improved tlou game. Attention to detail, gameplay, mechanics, atmosphere, acting, world building, not one hint of generic opt and paste stuff. Every room has a story n all all that great tlou stuff but better. If the first game didn’t come out this would take the mantle that the first one has. Blows most games out of the water.

And I came into it seeing all the hate and thinking I’ll be disappointed. I’ve seen people criticise it for what the first one was praised for. Bias is a powerful thing.

it’s not perfect but a dam good game on its own merit.

24000 reviews in 36 hours of game release when the first one has 9000 in 6 years

Internet is a messed up place.
View attachment 94529
24000 reviews in 36 hours of game release when the first one has 9000 in 6 years

Internet is a messed up place.
The number of negative user reviews on Metacritic at release were hilarious. The game takes 25-30 hours to finish unless you are speed running it so there is no way those people were making a judgement based on playing the game. It now has over 100,000 user reviews on Metacritic which is way more than any game ever.

It's probably the most polarising game ever. I'm interested to see the user score for Ghost of Tsushima tomorrow. I wonder if people will call out the story as much, or how long it is
The number of negative user reviews on Metacritic at release were hilarious. The game takes 25-30 hours to finish unless you are speed running it so there is no way those people were making a judgement based on playing the game. It now has over 100,000 user reviews on Metacritic which is way more than any game ever.

It's probably the most polarising game ever. I'm interested to see the user score for Ghost of Tsushima tomorrow. I wonder if people will call out the story as much, or how long it is

When the net smells blood all the wronguns come out to play. Man baby’s, homophobes, sexists, X Box fan boys etc etc
The number of negative user reviews on Metacritic at release were hilarious. The game takes 25-30 hours to finish unless you are speed running it so there is no way those people were making a judgement based on playing the game. It now has over 100,000 user reviews on Metacritic which is way more than any game ever.

It's probably the most polarising game ever. I'm interested to see the user score for Ghost of Tsushima tomorrow. I wonder if people will call out the story as much, or how long it is
And I’m sure Ghosts story won’t have any holes in it at all I’m sure it will be flawless compared to tlou2. Completely realistic.

I sunk a lot of hours into the mod years ago and a fair few in the standalone on PC.

Some great stories come along, though I don't think it's for everyone (the BuT tHeReS nOthINg tO dOOoooO crowd) - you just make your own adventure. I remember joining a cannibal death cult on one server that ended up torturing people and feeding them to each other and they got a bit too weird.

I still remember crawling through my first town, too scared to stand up and being so happy to find a tin of beans. Was well worth the £20 I paid anyway!
Yeah you’ve got to use your imagination a bit. I’ve been playing The Long Dark (another survival game) for a few months ago and it’s similar in that it’s basically scavenger and survive and requires a lot of time. People say the same things about having nothing to do.

I found someone’s base at a farm before. Obviously he thought he’d hidden it quite well but I robbed a load of camping gear and meat off him. It was a gold mine. He’ll be fuming when he next logs in.
Rings a bell. Can't remember for sure but there was a ISS game around that time that I use to play as Norway because you could really effectively use good headers of the ball. Big punt into the corner, whip a cross in and goal.

There were a few games in the series like that in a row, I think. I remember looking up the tallest strikers in the world and trying them all out. Even if they had 4 speed or whatever, you could still make them amazing. Those were the days.
got ghost of tsushima arriving tomorrow. Have no idea if its good, just ran out of games to play after baby has gone to sleep.
Had mine digitally and been playing it all day so far. It’s very, very good fun - possibly the best melee combat I’ve played apart from maybe God of War

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