The single most cringey thing about gamers and gamer culture is the inability of a large portion of gamers to accept that a review is a personal opinion, actually that's probably a lie, eSport is easily the worst thing about gaming culture but aside from that gamers saltiness over reviews is the worst.
Id honestly love to have a job reviewing games, puts you in an amazing position to wum gamers 24/7.
A review is by nature subjective, but it has to still objectively review it as a video game and what it's intending to be.
There's been reviews of the PS5 lately that went off on a tangent politically about the pandemic and marked the console down as a result. Loads of game reviews have hefty political slants to them (one I read for Cyberpunk about the gangs in them etc. and, again, marked down as a result).
The standard really is low when it comes to the quality of reviewing, I don't think it's just salty gamers being irrational.
As for Cyberpunk, I have a feeling people are expecting a generational shift life-altering moment from it and will be disappointed. The hype is silly.